Design how Requisition and Stock services connect
QAlity Plus - Test Management
Josh Zamor June 22, 2017 at 6:27 PM
Mary Jo Kochendorfer June 20, 2017 at 8:26 PM
, I've reviewed and added my changes. I've suggested that Pawel may need to split out the ticket into smaller pieces.
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson June 19, 2017 at 11:42 PMEdited
Based on our productive meeting Friday 16 June 2017, please review the two things I have written up:
created a new ticket including UI details
updated the stock-requisition connection wiki to create a "Phase Zero" which is the phase we are currently doing:
Please review this ( please review first and then assign to Josh for his review), let me know what questions you have, and pass the ticket back for any more work. Because of the TBD items, I believe we will need to meet again after 2711 is done to decide on the next steps. I suggest we continue meeting periodically as part of the Stock-Requisition connection process. I'm not sure if we want to consider 2113 done yet, but I at least want to know if you agree with my write-up so far.
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson June 7, 2017 at 9:12 PM
The new stuff to review is the "Proposed Design" section at the top of this wiki page:
There are 3 phases with a Simple and Advanced option that will become configurable in phase 2. The bullet points represent each ticket for each step in the process.
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson May 10, 2017 at 9:03 PM
Next step: write up the proposal in order to get buy-in.
Design and Document the integration points when an OpenLMIS implementation is using BOTH the Stock and Requisition services. This scenario is when both services are used for all programs and facilities. This does not include* migration if they turn stock on later, and does not include a mixed-mode where stock is only used for some programs/facilities but not others.
Consider the Malawi and Mozambique scenarios
How Stock service would get data from the latest Requisition in order to inform stock numbers. (Like the adjustments people make inside their requisition form would actually be stored as adjustments on their stock cards.)
... including, does the Requisition data model need to be informed by the Stock
How Requisition service would get data from Stock. (Like when you initiate a Requisition it would pull SOH values from the stock cards.)
Explain what happens to any 3.0.x implementations who want to turn on Stock service later. (Because a migration of data from Requisition to Stock is not supported, we need to decide if it's possible to turn on Stock service later and tell users what will happen when they do.)
*Not included:
Turn Stock On/Off How can an implementation start using only OpenLMIS with Requisition but without Stock service, and later turn on Stock service (is some historical data migrated?).
Mixed Mode Is there a supported scenario where some facilities or programs can use stock while others do not? In that case, is Requisition service smart enough to tie in with Stock only for certain programs/facilities?
Generated Requisition, which is a future feature not current in Stock 3.1 scope.
Acceptance Criteria
Design the desired workflow / process flow both directions. Capture design in the wiki Stock area.
Document for Stock 3.1 (in wiki) if Stock service is required, and explain what happens to any 3.0.x implementations who want to turn on Stock service later. (Because a migration of data is not supported, we need to decide if it's possible to turn on stock later and tell users what will happen when they do.)
Consider listing the sample endpoints that would be used in both directions (or perhaps capture the interaction as a UML Sequence Diagram).
Review of this ticket should happen with both Team Panda and Teams AYIC/TOP so all parties have a clear idea of the design.
Consider creating tickets tickets for the future design work on Turn Stock On/Off and Mixed Mode and Generated Requisition since those build off of this design if those should happen soon (or if those can wait until after 3.1, add these to the Stock Parking Lot of issues to work out)