During deserialization (when dates are provided by a client to an API call), instant :
- Instant dates should have timezone information added. Because we cannot depend on clients (browsers) to understand complex timezone scenarios (sending a date in UTC that’s for a facility in UTC+1 for a browser that’s in Seattle running UTC-8), we should assume that instant dates are passed in without timezones and the backend code will do a timezone "translation". Rough steps for this translation:
- Get the timestamp from the client
- Ignore/strip any timezone information
- Make a "best guess" about the timezone to use
- If the API call is respective to a user, use the timezone in the user's profile
- If respective to a facility, use the facility's timezone
- If neither, may have an implementation default timezone (although this may not work with an implementation that spans multiple timezones)
- Append the "best guess" timezone to the timestamp and use that in the backend and database
- General dates should be in ISO-8601 format, deserialize into a LocalDate object properly and should be left alone.
Survey of Usage
Places where dates and times are being used currently (as of 2016-12-19 / 2016-12-20):