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#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotesJIRA Tickets

Record VVM with physical inventory

Record VVM status with physical stock count (recording VVM status should be optional, not required)
(source: RE1)

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

2Record VVM with adjustment

Record VVM status with any adjustment (optional, not required)

As an Immunization Health Worker/Intermediate Level Logistician, I want the optional ability to capture a VVM status when I record an adjustment, so that my I have the visibility to prioritize product with a worsening VVM status.


Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

3Record VVM with ad-hoc receipt/issueRecord VVM status with ad-hoc receipt/issue (optional, not required)MVP

Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (

4Program specific adjustment reasons

As a DIVO, I would like to indicate vaccine specific wastage reasons when making adjustments to my stock levels so that I can accurately track/record wastage to inform my ordering and resupplying.

For example, vaccines would like specific wastage reasons.

Record wastage quantities and reasons (source: ES3) (VIMS)


Open Question: How do we quantify open vial wastage (because you cannot count how many doses were wasted)? In VIMS we capture the count of open vials.

We have program specific reasons in requisitions.

5Receive Re-supply

As an Immunization Health Worker/Intermediate Level Logistician, I want to receive and record a delivery with an optional VVM status, so that my stock record is accurate.

(Connects to Re-supply domain) 

Details: Connect the POD to stock management.


6Bin cards for CCE equipment

Track CCE equipment location with my stock inventories and movements — expand the definition of stock card identities to act as a Bin card based on CCE equipment location.

As a IHW/ILL, I want my stock cards to be differentiated by CCE equipment location—in other words I want to do a physical inventory count or record any adjustment or movement for a specific CCE fridge/cooler equipment, so that when a CCE equipment failure event happens I can connect that to the specific quantities of stock impacted.

MVPRelates to CCE capacity. (Connects to CCE domain)  
7Correct stock movements

Correct stock movements

See Correcting stock movements for the approved proposal (using Reversal approach)

Next(Note: This was not raised for discussion at the Copenhagen 2017 workshop, but we have identified that it is important for an accurate stock record.)
8Add lots at any facility (not centrally managed)

Users need the ability to record a Lot Code and Expiration Date during any stock event (inventory, adjustment, ad-hoc receipt/issue)—even if that Lot is not yet known in the centrally managed Lot list.

(modified from ES5) 

(Note: This was originally in the MVP at the Copenhagen 2017 workshop.)

9Generate issue voucher

As an Issuer of Stock, I would like the system to automatically generate Issue voucher number to my Issue voucher so that I can keep track of the issues I have made to my recipients (and so that they can receive based on an issue voucher instead of manually entering quantities). And so that I have an audit trail to and to save time and reduce errors.

(source: RE4—includes lots of details and links to info)

NextGot 5 votes!
10Supporting GLNs / Facility-within-a-Facility


Next(If we don't build this, the work-arounds are acceptable.)GLNs may be a separate thing, not facility-within-a-facility. We could easily add a GLN field without addressing facility-within-a-facility needs.
11Schedule for physical stock count

Set a schedule to force/prompt a physical inventory

Next(got zero dot votes) 
12Kits, diluents, syringes

Kits, diluents, syringes

(The group discussed how you might think it would be nice if these were automatically ordered, but really that is not practical and not important for vaccines. Sometimes they are ordered on a different schedule. The syringes and other items should have their own min and max quantities and they should be forecast and ordered so they do not run out of stock. Overall, it would be hard for software to automate this for all country situations, and it should be handled by SOPs outside the software.)

Not needed
