Goal:  Performance and finish Stock Based Requisitions

Dates:  -  (Dates may move depending on the number of release candidates made)


First Sprint after 3.3

Draft thought: we should work on the blocking work for a full stock based requisition (tags for consumption and receipts)



Define non-functional requirements and begin to look for targeted improvements

Stock Based Requisition

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Editing Orderables

Josh: would this UI be helpful for the product registry?

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA
    (from epic OLMIS-3804; important for Malawi and for core) (Josh and Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) to review AC)
    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

Notes on what we should focus on next

  • Improve sustainability of codebase so the software can be used long-term even beyond the current developers or current core team
    • Strengthen process for continuous delivery (including automated testing)
    • Performance improvements and testing
    • Technical debt and user documentation
  • Gap features (for details see Gap Analysis Development: Project Kick off)
    • Dashboards and reporting (across levels)
    • Interfaces to external systems (potentially includes ERP, mobile, and offline applications)
    • Requisition enhancements (favoriting products, columns, usability improvements)
    • Budgeting
    • Fulfillment and re-supply features and enhancements
    • User personalization and self-service (configuration, notifications, dashboards)
    • Equipment tracking
    • Note: Gap features will begin during 3.4 release cycle, but will continue for the year of the Gap project. Gap feature prioritization will determine which of these features are conducted within the current Gap project budget and timeline.
  • Respond to community requests and needs coming from Implementers (Malawi, Vaccine Interests, PSM Global interests)
    • Notifications enhancements (consolidating convert to order requisitions) - may have overlap with Gap features <Malawi>
    • Finalize and release Batch Approval of Requisitions <Malawi>
    • Finalize stock based requisitions (not just for vaccines) <Finalize feature for tying stock and reqs>
    • Continue working on vaccine features (distributions) <vaccine>
    • Administrative screens <PSM global>
    • Enhance the POD
    • Enhance Stock Management
    • Enhance Fulfillment
    • User Experience improvements