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Table of Contents


Column C of Dados_Stockproductgroupname Values Return by the Above Query

PCV10  (Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed): Is this equivalent to PCV?)

Dércio Duvane: Yes


(Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed): Does DPT go by an alternate name?)

Dércio Duvane: Pentavalent or just Penta


RV Rotarix (Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed): Is this equivalent to Rotavirus?)

Dércio Duvane: Yes




Sarampo 2 MSD

Diluente Sarampo

Diluente Sarampo 2 MSD

Diluente BCG


Open Questions

If possible, Christine Lenihan or Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed), will you please edit the above table such that each value in the left column has a corresponding one in the right column?

Q: The existing Excel dashboard includes the province of “Inhambane” on the Dados_Stock sheet. I don’t see Inhambane in SELV, though. Can you please confirm whether it exists in SELV and, if not, where its information comes from?

[Dércio Duvane]: The Inhambane province is not yet implementing SELV being that the reason why it's not on system yet. At the moment all data is made available from different sources such as SISMA and/or province reports. 


Please see the Credentials page for details.
Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed)
 Two Questions:

  1. Can you create a step by step walk through of how you get the information from DHIS2 and show where you paste it into the dashboard? This will allow us to match the reports to the API.
  2. Which API endpoints do we get the data values from for each vaccine? From going through the DHIS2 API documentation, to get national coverage per vaccine, we need to query the dataValueSets JSON endpoint with dataSet ID, period and organization unit ID. How do we know which parameters to use because querying all the data Elements and organization units provide a long list on the facility level?

HSS Funds (former e-SISTAFE)

The file to be used for the dashboard is the "Execucao da GAVI ate 31-12-2017.xlsx" - Further updates to be provided

View file
nameDesmostrativo Consolidado actualizado.xls
View file
nameExecucao da GAVI ate 31-12-2017.xlsx
View file
nameExecucao da GAVI ate 31-12-2017_DDuvane.xlsx

Dércio Duvane: As recommended by the HSS Managing team, all basic users can only see the completion rate column (Column of the excel file). All columns describing amounts are to be seen only to users with specific roles. Data will be sent by email on a monthly basis (or at any other timeline if we decide so).


NexLeaf won't be able to offer an API which exposes raw data prior to the end of June. They'll instead provide an endpoint which, when accessed with the correct credentials, returns an imagine which looks like this.


View file
nameRelatório Descritivo_Actividades HSS_Provincias.docx
View file
View file


The SMT is a static Excel tool provided by the WHO for province level stock management. We can consider it an immutable data sources.

View file
nameMOZ_SMT_2018 JAN.xlsx
