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Table of Contents


The MoH would like the Dashboard to display the number of days which current stock levels are projected to lastTimoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed) will provide guidance about how to calculate this. The Vaccines_Needs_Formula_Stock Availability_Months_weeks_Days.xlsx spreadsheet illustrates how to calculate the projected stock amounts, and these calculations should be performed during the data-ingestion process. Note that the coefficients shown within the spreadsheet should be easily configurable rather than hardcoded.



Please see the Credentials page for details.
Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed)
 Two Questions:


HSS Funds (former e-SISTAFE)


RED stands for "Reach Every District" and REC means "Reach Every Community."

This data will be specified via a template emailed as an attachment. Dércio Duvane will determine and provide details.


The SMT is a static Excel tool provided by the WHO for province level stock management. We can consider it an immutable data sources.

View file
nameMOZ_SMT_2018 JAN.xlsx
