As an implementer, I want to add several new fields to a Facility record, say "Color", "Max Occupancy" and "Chairs", an n-length list of chairs available at the facility (this is simply non-sense data for this use case). OpenLMIS should define a means to persist these new fields in the database, and retrieve them with RESTful calls, and use them in standard queries (e.g. return all facilities where color == 'blue').
Core domain models, such as Facility, will be accessible in a Core Domain Independent Service. For core domain models that are expected to be extended, an Extra Data property will be provided, where projects can add new fields. Projects will be able to do CRUD operations on the Extra Data property through REST API calls. It has not been determined whether this extra data will be queryable, but possible approaches for Extra Data seem promising for supporting it (e.g.: can query json columns in Postgres).
Use Case 3a: Project updates UI for a core domain extension