OLMIS-5476 1 (?) - DHIS2 Transportation
OLMIS-5765 - Add Stock Management to the OpenLMIS Reporting solution
OLMIS-1621 - Offline functionality for stock management stories
OLMIS-5641 - Indicate tracer product for reporting
OLMIS-2013 - Allow user to reverse incorrect historical stock line item
AO-6 1 - Create a system alert that notifies when a product is about to expire
AO-73 - Commodities Cost
OLMIS-5726 - Cost Summary on Orders and in Stock Management transactions
OLMIS-5124 - Configuration Assistant Page
OLMIS-5305 - Add additional filters on approve R&R screen
Barcode support (Still not well defined)
AO-69 1 - Aggregated Requisitions
OLMIS-3858 1 - Filter REST api pattern
AO-31 - 3rd Party Supplier Management
OLMIS-5120 - Administration Screens Wizards for FTAP and Requisition Groups