Test Case #:388 | Test Case Name: Define the display order of columns to appear in the requisition |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: requisition |
Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa | Design Date:20.07.2016 |
Short description: User can author/define the order of 'variables' (columns in the requisition) in the requistion template by program, the requisition upholds the definitions made in the template |
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Create Program entity. In Url: http://localhost:8080/api/programs Method: Post Body: { "code":"programss" } | Status: 201 created, Program id: "http://localhost:8080/api/programs/1e3a74f8-53ad-4ce0-b305-47413e0d4166" | |
2 | Create Requisition Template entity. In Url: http://localhost:8080/api/requisitionTemplatesMethod: Post "program":"http://localhost:8080/api/programs/1e3a74f8-53ad-4ce0-b305-47413e0d4166", "columnsMap":{"columnKey": { "name":"namme", "label":"label2", "displayOrder":"2", "isDisplayed":false, "isDisplayRequired":true, "canChangeOrder":true, "source":"reference data" } } } | Status: 201 created, Requisition Template id: "d01cab48-7204-4848-8648-2c2a59022e14" |
3 | Change requisitionTemplateColumn displayOrder values In Url: http://localhost:8080/api/requisitionTemplates Method: Post Body: { "id":"d01cab48-7204-4848-8648-2c2a59022e14", "program":"http://localhost:8080/api/programs/1e3a74f8-53ad-4ce0-b305-47413e0d4166", "columnsMap":{"columnKey": { "name":"namme", "label":"label2", "displayOrder":"8", "isDisplayed":false, "isDisplayRequired":true, "canChangeOrder":true, "source":"reference data" } } } |