- Showcase 3 new features - UI and Requisition
- 1) Offline requisition form - fill-out, not initiation or approval
- 2) Emergency requisitions - working in UI
- 3) My Supervised Facilities requisitions - working in UI
- Order Service - API
- Split orders into an independent service (1314, do in a way that it isn't blocked by 1254?)
- Goal: After this sprint, a team is ready to work in parallel on significant orders features
- Remember there are roll-overs
- Bugs (12 from list below) (MAYBE ALL OF THEM - depending on Teams AYIC/TOP story point estimation?)
- Extension Modules? (MAYBE - depending on Teams AYIC/TOP story point estimation)
- publishing to Maven and being able to deploy an extended service
- stretch goal is starting the extending data tooling (Team ILL)
More Requisitions Features?More template fields (933 Total Cost, 1134)Requisition Improvements epicComments - 1063?
Waiting on refactor work, will focus on design (specifically the RAML)