Versions Compared


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Child Coverage Test Cases

 Data Entry Expected Result
ScenarioDid You Visit?

No Visit


Child Coverage Tab - Enter Form N/A?

Child Coverage:

Polio 2

0-11 months HC

Child Coverage: Polio 2 12-23 mos 

Health Units


Health Units


Polio 2 Child Coverage


Full Delivery 

Health unit was visited. Child coverage

data 0-11 mos provided


irrelevantNo - enter data50irrelevant 1150/target group  
Health unit was visitied. No children 0-11 months immunized with Polio 2.YesirrelevantNo - enter data05 110%  

Health unit was visited. Child coverage data

is n/a.

YesirrelevantNo - enter data"n/a"5 11Null  
Health unit wasn't visited. No Routine data reported.


any valueYes - "n/a" whole form"n/a"  00Null  
Health unit wasn't visited. Routine data was reported


any valueNo - enter dataany number  01%

Full Deliveries

ScenarioDid You VisitBCG Delivered QuantityPolio 10 Delivered Quantity

Polio 20



Child Coverage Tab - Enter Form N/A? Full Delivery BCG
Health Unit Not Visited, No Routine DataNoirrelevant  Yes - "n/a" whole form 0
Health Unit Visited, Routine DataNoirrelevant  No - enter data 0
Health Unit Visited, BCG (single vial size) exact full deliveryYesinteger, select value so that existing + delivered = ISA  irrelevant 1
Health Unit Visited, BCG (single vial size) more than full deliveryYesinteger, select value so that existing + deliver > ISA  irrelevant 1
Health Unit Visited, BCG (single vial size) less than full deliveryYesinteger, select value so that existing + delivered < ISA  irrelevant 0
Health Unit Visited, BCG (single vial size) 0 deliveredYes0  irrelevant 0
Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 20 delivered, >= ISAYes 0integer, select value so that existing + deliver > ISA  1
Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 20 delivered, < ISAYes 0integer, select value so that existing + deliver < ISA  0
Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 10 delivered, >= ISAYes integer, select value so that existing + deliver >= ISA0  1
Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 10 delivered, < ISAYes integer, select value so that existing + deliver < ISA0  0
Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 in stock, Polio 20 delivered >= ISAYes 0integer, select value so that existing + deliver > ISA  1
Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 in stock, Polio 20 delivered < ISAYes 0integer, select value so that existing + deliver < ISA  0
Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 in stock, Polio 10 delivered >= ISAYes integer, select value so that existing + deliver >= ISA0  1
Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 in stock, Polio 10 delivered < ISAYes integer, select value so that existing + deliver < ISA0  0

Stock Outs

  • If not visited, no stock out
  • If any product existing quantity = 0, stock out = 1

No Visit Reason*

Not in Program

No Fuel or Per Diem
