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Child Coverage Test Cases

Delivery Zone: North Gaza

 Data Entry Expected Result
ScenarioDid You Visit?

No Visit


Child Coverage Tab - Enter Form N/A?

Child Coverage:

Polio 2

0-11 months HC

Child Coverage: Polio 2 12-23 mos 

Health Units


Health Units


Polio 2 Child Coverage



Health unit was visited. Child coveragedata 0-11 mos providedG095 Chidulo, Chicualacualarule

Machamba  OK



irrelevantNo - enter data50 / 110 / 20 1151/target group (58)see print 

Health unit was visitied. No children 0-11 months immunized with Polio 2.

G097, Cs, Chicualacuala

YesirrelevantNo - enter data0


Polio 2: 5/1


Health unit was visited. Child coverage data

is n/a.

G097, Cs, Chicualacuala

YesirrelevantNo - enter dataPolio 3: "n/a"Polio 3: 5/1 11Null 

Health unit wasn't visited. No Routine data reported.

G104, Lithatha, ChicualacualaZulo  OK


any valueYes - "n/a" whole form"n/a"  00Null 

Health unit wasn't visited. Routine data was reported

G108, Mahathane, ChicualacualaMucatine  OK



any value

No - enter data


any number





Aggregation Rules - Denominator only includes ISAs if a

value is supplied for 0-11 mos (not N/A)

Massingir District - OK


Full Deliveries

Full Delivery All Supplies 0

ScenarioDid You VisitBCG Delivered QuantityPolio 10 Delivered Quantity

Polio 20



Child Coverage Tab - Enter Form N/A? Full Delivery BCGStock Out

Health Unit Not Visited, No Routine Data

G098, Cs Dindiza, Chigubo  BCG

G098, Cs Dindiza, Chigubo  BCGZulo  OK


Noirrelevant  Yes - "n/a" whole form Full Delivery All Supplies 0Stock Out All Supplies 0

Health Unit Visited, Routine DataG108, Mahathane, Chicualacuala BCG

Mucatine  OK

Noirrelevant  No - enter data Full Delivery All Supplies 0Stock Out All Supplies 0

Health Unit Visited, BCG (single vial size) exact full deliveryG095 Chidulo, Chicualacuala BCG

Macamba BCG  OK

Yesinteger, select value so that existing + delivered = ISA  irrelevant 1 

Health Unit Visited, BCG (single vial size) more than full delivery

G097, Cs, Chicualacuala BCg

Macamba PCV10  OK


integer, select value so that existing + deliver > ISA

30 / 10/ 21/ 0

  irrelevant 1 

Health Unit Visited, BCG (single vial size) less than full deliveryG102 Cubo, Chigubo - BCG

Macamba Measles  OK


integer, select value so that existing + delivered < ISA


  irrelevant 0 

Health Unit Visited, BCG (single vial size) 0 deliveredG102 Cubo, Chigubo - PCV10

Macaringue Measles  OK



PCV10 : 1/0/N/R

  irrelevant PCV 10: 0 

Health Unit Visitied, Existing Quantity >= ISA

G102 Cubo, Chigubo - SarampoMacaringue BCG, Polio 10  OK


Existing Quantity >= ISA

Delivered Quantity = 0

    Sarampo: 1 

Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 20 delivered, >= ISA

G097, Cs, Chicualacuala Polio

Yes 0

integer, select value so that existing + deliver > ISA

13 / 10 / 3 / 1


Health Unit Visited, Penta (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 20 delivered, < ISAG097, Cs, Chicualacuala Penta

Yes 0

integer, select value so that existing + deliver < ISA



Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 10 delivered, >= ISAG102 Cubo, Chigubo Polio


integer, select value so that existing + deliver >= ISA

Polio 10 ISA 5, Polio 20 ISA 2

Polio 10 Exisiting 0, Polio 20 Exist 1

Polio 10 Del 3, Polio 20 Del 0

0  1 

Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 10 delivered, < ISA

G102 Cubo, Chigubo - Penta 


integer, select value so that existing + deliver < ISA

Penta 1 ISA 34, 10 ISA 3

Pent 1 Exit 20, Penta 10 Exist 0

Penta 1 Del 0, Penta 10 Del 1

0  0 

Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 in stock, Polio 20 delivered >= ISA

G107 Machaila, Chigubo Polio 



Polio 10: 10/ 2/ 0

Polio 20: 5/0/4

integer, select value so that existing + deliver > ISA  1 

Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 in stock, Polio 20 delivered < ISA

G107 Machaila, Chigubo Penta



Penta 1: 10/0/0

Penta 10: 0/6/0

integer, select value so that existing + deliver < ISA  00 - This should not be a stock-out! If there is Polio 10 OR Polio 20 not stocked out.

Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 in stock, Polio 10 delivered >= ISA

G113 Nhanale, Chigubo  Polio

Yes integer, select value so that existing + deliver >= ISA0  10

Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 stocked out stock, Polio 10 delivered >= ISAG13 Nhanale, Chigubo Penta


1 dose: 75 /0/75

10 dose: 0/0/0

   11 - both sizes stocked out

Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 10 in stock, Polio 10 delivered < ISA

G117 Saute, Chigubo 


Yes integer, select value so that existing + deliver < ISA0  0 

Health Unit Visited, Polio (multi vial size) - Polio 20 in stock, Polio 20 delivered < ISA

G117 Saute, Chigubo - Penta


1 dose: 38/0/0/0

10 dose:4/2/1/1


Stock Outs

  • If not visited, no stock out
    Mahathane, Chicualacuala 
    Lithatha, Chicualacuala

  • If any product existing quantity = 0, stock out = 1
    • If existing quantity = n/a, doesn't count
      G095. Chidulo, Chicualacuala. Zulo Entire form N/A, Stock Out Should = 0
    • G097 Cs, Chicualacuala. Penta Inventory 0. Stock Out Should = 1
  • G109 Mapai, Chicualacuala: 5ml  5ml Syringe ISA=0, Existing quantity=0, Stock Out should be 0  (stock outs should only look at vaccine vaccine products)
    G111  Mepuzi, Chicualacuala: Safety  Tsocate
  •  Safety Box ISA=null, Existing quantity=0, Stock Out should be 0 (stock outs should only look at vaccine products)Tsocate

No Visit Reason*

Not in ProgramG115 Pafuri, Chicualacuala.  Program  

Zulo  OK

Not Visitied / Not in DLS

HU In Program = 00  OK

HU Visitied = 00  OK

No Fuel or Per DiemG098, Cs Dindiza, Chigubo

Not Visitied / Not Fuel or Per Diem

HU In Program = 11  OK

HU Visitied = 00  OK

Pfukwe  OK


Not Visited with Visit Data

G072 Zulo, Massingir

Will it sync with this in the distribution? Mucatine 

In Program =1 OK

Reporting = 1 OK


Delivery Intervals:

    <= 33, 34-40, 41-47, 48+
  1. 33, 34, 35
  2. 39, 40, 41, 42
  3. 47, 48
  4. ,
      1. Find 4 facilities and determine the last visit date using Tableau (or have Josh look)

        IDLast VisitMarch Visit DateDaysInterval
        G110Chibotane, Massingir12/231/2533< 33
        G027Cs, Massingir12/231/263434-40
        G056Mucatine, Massingir12/232/14034-40
  5. For each facility, hand-calculate the a visit that is at each delivery interval boundary:
      1. Chidulo 33 days  33-40  OK
        Cubo 40 days  33–40  - date was actually further in the future. 48+, OK
        CS, Massinger, 41 days  41-48  OK
        Chibotae, Movadoze  48+  OK
        Zulo – No delivery interval  OK