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PAV Dashboard – Notes for Refining Dashboard


Section 1: General Layout / Visualization Notes




Current State


Recommended Changes + Example


Can it be addressed? (Y / N; VR or Ona?)


Addressed?(✘ or ✓)




Filter function: Placement of filter function makes it appear as though it only applies to the coverage indicator


Place Filter function on top of page: Place filter function at the top of the page (below page title) to convey that it applies to the entire dashboard. Also pin the filter / freeze pane if possible, so it is
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Y - Ona






Unpredictable Layout: Layout is currently not optimized for "Z-direction" user reading


Y - Ona




Layout / Storyboard


PAV Provincial Dashboard Flow – Order in which the indicators appear – is it optimized to what the end user wants to see?


PAV Provincial Dashboard Flow: Please confirm whether the storyboarding of the dashboard makes sense. Is this the order that the end user wants to see the information in? If not, how would you re-order the charts? Please see below for specifics


Y –VR to provide content; Ona to execute






Disaggregated charts with no "key takeaway" table: makes it difficult to glean any meaningful insights from noisy charts


Include a summary table for each indicator group: Above the left and right charts for each indicator group, include summary tables with min/max or other notable summaries. Please see below for specifics


Y –VR to provide summary table ideas; Ona to execute;






Color use is not strategic: Different colors used for the same antigens, hard to visually gauge patterns


Use same colors on all antigens: Use the same colors for each antigen on every indicator's graph/chart. E.g. in all charts corresponding to DPT, DPT will be in dark blue


Y - ??






No anchor / benchmark on visualizations: It is hard to assess from the charts if performance is "good" or "bad"


Y –VR to provide summary table ideas; Ona to execute;






District charts in "national view" of dashboard are overwhelming: Seeing ALL the districts on one chart is overwhelming


Grouping districts belong to a province: Is there a way to group the district level charts e.g. leave space between bars corresponding to a different provinces or add labels below the districts to communicate which province they belong to?


Not sure – please comment






Lack of data due to lag in uploads: Lots of blank space due to lack of data.


Y - Ona






Table placement and structure: When in National mode, the tables can get very unwieldly. The way tables are currently structured, you see provinces appear multiple times. This can be confusing


Y - Ona






Language of indicator titles: Currently some in Portuguese, some English.


Y –VR to provide content; Ona to execute






Title Syntax: Ensure that title syntax is standardized across all indicators


Y –VR to provide content; Ona to execute






Dashboard Caption: No caption currently on use / context of dashboard


Y –VR to provide content; Ona to execute






Inconsistent use of descriptions for indicators: Not all indicators have a description to go with them E.g. Community Mobilization Indicator


Y –VR to provide content; Ona to execute



Section 2: Indicator-specific Visualization Notes


Indicator Category


Indicator + Recommended Visualization + Notes + Mock Up


Can it be addressed? (Y / N; VR or Ona?)


Addressed?(✘ or ✓)


COVERAGE – Existing Indicator


Y – Ona to execute;




COVERAGE - Summary Indicators


Y – Ona to execute;






Y – Ona to execute;






Indicator + Visualization:
1. Vaccine Stock-out - Antigen-specific (last statistical month): Bar Chart
2. Vaccine Stock-out - Antigen-specific (last year): Line Chart
Mock up:
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VACCINE STOCK-OUT: Summary Indicator


Y – Ona to execute;




VACCINE BREAKAGE: Existing Indicator


Y – Ona to execute;




MOBILE BRIGADES: Existing Indicator, New Viz


Y – Ona to execute; VR to provide calculation support




MOBILE BRIGADES: Summary Indicator


Y – Ona to execute; VR to provide calculation support




SOCIAL MOBILIZATION: Existing Indicator, New Viz


Y – Ona to execute; VR to provide calculation support






Y – Ona to execute; VR to provide calculation support



Section 3: TBD - Indicator Visualizations To be determined?

Please note: These are indicators that we current don't have data for, so it is unclear what the visualizations will look like. Timoteo – your input here would be helpful.


Indicator Category


Indicator + Recommended Visualization + Notes + Mock Up


Can it be addressed? (Y / N; VR or Ona?)


Addressed?(✘ or ✓)













Appendix A: Research on Dashboard Best Practices




Best Practice




  • Principle P1: Clarify purpose. Is it a) an Analytics dashboard? B) Operational dashboard?
  • Rationale:.
    • Operational dashboards are used to track operational activities. Main goals of the operational dashboard are to present data deviations to the user quickly and clearly, show current resources, their status. It's a digital control room designed to help users be quick, proactive, and efficient, and respond to time-sensitive tasks.
    • Strategic dashboards are higher level operational dashboards which provide high level data needed to make quick decisions
    • Analytics dashboards are at the lowest level of granularity, and allow user to detect patterns. Action based on an analytics dashboard is not time sensitive.




  • Principle L1: Organize a dashboard such that you start with the important information on the top left, and move in a "Z" pattern
  • Rationale: Important information should be on the top left hand corner because it is the first thing that the user "reads" in certain language conventions (in English, Portuguese etc).
  • Examples:
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  • Principle L3 Group related pieces of information. Grouping horizontally shows going from one topic to another, grouping vertically shows disaggregation of the same topic.
  • Rationale: Having related piece of information in the same line (or unified by a title) will help the user understand the "story" being told.




  • Principle C1: Consider using Tableau's "Story Points" to guide the user through the narrative or sequence of events you want to tell
  • Rationale: Instead of having multiple tabs that the user has to navigate, we could position the tabs as different "chapters" in the Narrative, and have a succinct captions for the Story
  • Example:
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  • Principle C2: Do not rely on too many interactions for user to get the information they need.
  • Rationale: Understanding usage behavior in terms of time spent interacting with data helps clarify how much visual real estate we have to pack information. Interactions help surface secondary information. Fully relying on them as the main way to work with the dashboard is a big mistake




  • Principle C3: Show summaries or condensed views.
  • Rationale: Depending on the user being targeted, they generally watch a summary of the situation which provides a quick "takeaway" to inform decision-making.




  • Principle: Include a BAN ("Big A** Number") for each visual.
  • Rationale: Don't bury the important fact. The number anchors the user's eye, while the chart (with historical data) provides context.
  • Example:
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  • Sub-Principle: Compare your BAN against your target
  • Rationale: This is a way to quickly state the "current state" and compare it to the "ideal state"
  • Example:
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Appendix B: Research Reference List


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