Of the facilities you visited this month, for how many were you able to enter all the distribution data directly on the tablet while you were at the facility?
- All the facilities
- Most of the facilities
- About half of the facilities
- Less than half
- None
If you were not able to enter the distribution data directly on the tablet, what prevented you from doing so:
- battery Tablet was out of
- Website wasn’t working
- battery
- I wasn't able to open the internet/web-browser
- The TP-LINK/router didn't work
- I was able to get to the website, but then I didn't see my distribution
- I was able to get to the website and see the distribution, but then was unable to enter data
- Not enough time to use the tablet
- The tablet was too hard to use
- Other problem with the tablet: ____________________
If you were not able to enter the distribution data directly on the tablet, how did you collect the facility visit information:
- All on the paper paper DLS form
- Some on the tablet, and some on the paper DLS form
- Some on the tablet, some and some on an extra piece of paper
- Other: ___________
While on distribution, how often were you able to synchronize the distribution data that was entered on the tablet:
- Every day
- About every other day
- Once or twice while out on a distribution
- I didn’t synchronize until synchronized when I got back to the provincial office
- I didn't enter any data on the tablet
If you didn’t synchronize every day, why?
Did the tablet ever run out of battery? Yes
- Yes No
The facility visits took more time while using the tablet
- Yes
- No
How much longer did it take you to use the tablet versus writing the information on the paper DLS form:
- About an hour more
- About 30 minutes more
- About 15 minute more
- About 10 minutes more
- About 5 minutes more
How does the tablet compare with the paper DLS form in terms of how much time in takes you to collect data for a facility?
- It takes about 30 minutes or more less to collect the data with the tablet
- It takes about 15 minutes less to collect the data with the tablet
- Using the tablet or the paper DLS form take roughly the same amount of time to collect the data
- It takes about 15 minutes longer to collect the data with the tablet
- It takes 30 minutes or more longer to collect the data with the tablet
- Other: ______________________________
The best things about using the tablet are:
The most difficult things about using the tablet are:
Now that I’ve tried using the tablettablet, my preference would be to:
- Keep using the tablet
- Go back to writing the data on paper DLS form and then entering it on the computer later