- Finishing caching work for requisitions:
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-6416
- Bugs discovered after introducing versioning:
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-6531 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-6438 - Look into increased execution time for Get9000ApprovedNonFullSupplyProductsForDistrictHospital (find the ticket) - this seems to got even worse after the work on orderables
- Other bugs
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-6528 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-6526 - Anything that still comes up from reporting stack testing...
- To discuss:
(empty shipments and PoDs?)Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-6479
(recommendation: kill - https://forum.openlmis.org/t/desired-stock-management-workflow-on-ftap-updates/5263)Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-6501
- Klaudia Pałkowska (Deactivated) to make sure we have enough ready for development tech debt tickets, prioritize them, and have the team use 20% of their capacity to pull tech debt
- Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) / Joanna Szymańska (Deactivated) to move to the top of the backlog bugs with high priority we should tackle, and have the team use 20% of their capacity to pull bugs
- Sebastian Brudziński have the team pull at least one minor-priority, but nice-to-have fix for a bug