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Existing notifications in 3.5:
- Requisition notifications are sent when there is a requisition status change.
- Users receive notification of a requisition status change
- Approver receives notification once a requisition has been submitted and authorized
- User receives notification if their requisition has been rejected
- User receives notification that their requisition has been converted to order
- User receives notification that their requisition status has been updated to released without order (if configured to release without order)
- Fulfillment notifications are sent when there is an order status change.
- User receives notification that an order has been created
- User receives notification that an order is ordered
- User receives notification that an order is fulfilled
- User receives notification for FTP transfer status
- Stock management notifications are sent when there is low stock or a stockout event.
- CCE notifications are sent when there is an inventory status change that requires a user to take action.
- User profile notifications are sent any time the user or admin edits a user profile or password that requires the user to take action.
- Adding or editing an existing email address
- Reset password scenarios
Requirement #1: Consolidated Notifications (Notifications Daily Digest)
- Problem: receive a lot of notifications and can't filter through them to determine what to act on, doesn't help them do their job, ignore notifications because there are so many, they don't receive notifications when it would be helpful for them to receive one - when a requisition hasn't been approved for # of days, hasn't been submitted for # of days
- Value: The user is only notified when all requisitions are in a status where they have work to do, assists them with their job and prioritizing tasks
- Value: Receiving summarized notifications for # of requisitions per facility (instead of an individual email notification for each requisition status change at each facility they supervise)
Requisitions Service consolidation for Requirement #1:
Option A: Consolidate requisition notifications by requisition status & supervised facility (supervisory node)
- All requisitions for my supervised facility are consolidated by status once daily (user sees # of requisitions in In_approval status for each of their supervised facilities)
- As an authorizer, I want to see the # of requisitions that have been submitted for my supervised facility, once a day.
- As an authorizer, I only want to see a notification for the requisitions that are in submitted status at the time the notification is sent (Example: If a requisition has been authorized before the notification is scheduled to send, then I should not receive the notification that a requisition is ready to be authorized in my daily digest notification.)
- As an approver, I want to see the # of requisitions that are ready to approve for my supervised facility, once a day.
- As an approver, I only want to see a notification for the requisitions that are pending approval at the time the notification is sent. (Example: If a requisition has been approved before the notification is scheduled to send, then I should not receive the notification that a requisition is pending approval in my daily digest notification.)
- Admin can configure Requisitions service to select which requisition statuses will be consolidated (this can be through API and does not require admin UI yet)
- As an administrator I want the flexibility to select one or many requisition statuses to send in one daily digest notification.
- As an administrator I want the ability to specify text for the daily digest notification. (We can create a standard template or default message.)
- All emergency requisitions are not consolidated, but sent as the status is changed (this is current behavior)
- All requisitions for my facility are consolidated by status once daily (user sees # of requisitions in each status for their facility instead of individual emails for each status change - lower priority)
Example for authorizer
Header: Requisition Status update
Dear divo1:
This email is informing you that 20 Regular requisitions for EPI at Depósito Distritial Cuamba have been authorized.
Please login to see the requisitions.
Hyperlink to OpenLMIS requisitions here
Example for approver that needs to take action
Header: Action Required
Dear psupervisor:
This email is informing you that 20 Regular requisitions for EPI at Depósito Distrital Cuamba are ready for review.
Please login to see the requisitions.
Hyperlink to OpenLMIS requisitions approve here
Option B: Consolidate requisition notifications by facility
- All requisitions are consolidated by facility once daily (user sees facility and list of requisitions that have been changed)
- All requisitions for my supervised facility are consolidated by supervised facility (supervisory node) once daily (user sees supervised facility and list of all requisitions In_approval status)
- Admin can configure Requisitions service to select a facility to consolidate notifications (either by supervised facility or by facility)
Example for approver that needs to take action
Header: Action Required
Dear divo1:
This email is informing you that Regular requisitions at 15 facilities are ready for review.
Please login to see the requisitions.
Hyperlink to OpenLMIS Requisitions approve here
Notifications Service configuration for Requirement #1:
- Admin can configure opt-out for Requisitions service notifications (does not opt-out of emergency requisitions notifications)
- Admin can configure scheduled time to send consolidated notifications (Should the admin have options to select from? Daily, weekly, bi-weekly? Every Wednesday, etc. Admin can select or enter in what time notifications are sent.)
Sulu or Chappie (monitors health of supply chain or views status across multiple facilities): a user who logs in occasionally
- Configuring which/how notifications can be consolidated
- Configuring time that notifications will be sent (once daily)
- Enable selection of which channel to use to send a notification (SMS or email)
- For the first iteration, is it acceptable to have a default configuration for each notification class (listed in Open Question 7 below), and then allow for configurability in a future phase?
- Manual Resend notifications (future release - out of scope for 3.6)
- Timebound notifications (future release - out of scope for 3.6)
- Disable notifications for unused services (example: Malawi has stock management but does not use it and could potentially receive stock management notifications that are not used)
- Is this really needed? Can this be customized by roles?
Jira Legacy server System JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 448ba138-230b-3f91-a83e-16e7db1deed1 key OLMIS-5589
User Scenarios:
Adam the administrator: an administrator or implementer that needs to configure notifications to send via SMS or email depending on the type or importance of the notification
- Ability to configure and change the text used on email or SMS notifications template.
- Research using RapidPro or another existing service (Team Ona uses RapidPro)
- Support a more digest-like notification rather than a facility-specific notification (as shown in the example below
- Must be able to put values from the database (support tokens) when editing text
- Admin has ability to view history of notifications (question #2 below)