Tab Cobertura
The initial translation for the tab description is not smooth. We can replace with: Nota que, para esta secção, voce deve filtrar a provincia que pretende analizar para que os gráfico sejam actualizados. I made that change.
On other hand, we need to replace inn the filter, Time range with Periodo, This can be applied to all tabs in this Dashboard. Unfortunately, this isn't something which Superset currently allows us to do. From Timoteo:Got it.
I think we can remove the word último Ano. On other hand, there is a lot information in this chart. This tab still need to be refined as the same tab in the Dashboard do PAV.
Hi Clay Crosby (Unlicensed). I'm confused by the two charts pictured below. Although their titles suggest that they should ignore the filter's time-range, their values change to reflect it. Do you know what's going on?
From Clay Crosby (Unlicensed): The charts work as designed, but let's talk about the labels as a group at this week's check-in.
Tab Ruptura de Stock
We can replace: Esta secção contém os gráficos dos estoques de estoques de vacina para cada distrito with: Esta secção contém informação sobre os stocks de vacina para cada Distrito.
We can also replace Detalhe de Estoque with Rupturas de Stock.
I made the above two changes. From Timoteo: Got it
There is a link in this page which takes you to the table above. We need to replace the Title: Planilha: Detalhe de Quebra de Estoque with Tabela Detalhe: Ruptura de Stock I made this change.
This tab also need to be refined. I'm a bit confused as to why the table columns are labeled "year," "month," "province," and "district" rather than their Portuguese equivalents. Because the table shows Portuguese for me, I wonder whether the screenshot is a bit old. From Timoteo:It's now corrected, I believe that changes have been made just after I take the screenshot.
Tab Utilização de Vacinas
In this main table, we can maintain the word Taxa de Utilização de Vacinas.
But for all remaining tables, we can remove the word Taxa de Utilização de Vacinas , and leave the rest of the word. We can also apply this to bar and line charts.
I think I've done this properly and that the dashboard is alright, but please review to confirm whether you think so. From Timoteo: It's now correctly changed. Note that most of the labes labels are not showing their related information in this tab.
In this dashboard, we need to translate the month's names to Portuguese language in all tabs charts.
We can definitely discuss it as a group. I'm afraid, though, that this may not be possible prior to the user training in January. Please don't hesitate to let me know, though, if you think this is a blocking issue. From Timoteo: I dont think that it can be a blocking issue, but need to be addresses as soon as we can.
Tab Quebra Vacinal
In this main table, we can keep the word IQV, it comes iQV, replace with IQV. So it will be IQV-DPT, Sarampo e BCG – Periodo FIltrado.
For all remaining tables, we can remove the word IQV, and leave the rest of the word. This is also applied for bar and line charts in this tab.
I think I've done this properly and that the dashboard is alright, but please review to confirm whether you think so. From Timoteo: Its well done, just a little thing to change see Image below Change Este Año with Este Ano. I've made this change.
In the Chart below, I think there is no need to highlight "This calendar year" since in Portuguese language the translation does not comes well for this one. We can just leave DPT, Sarampo e BCG
I asked Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) about this chart within the context of the main PAV dashboard. I'm confused by the fact that it filters itself according to the page's selected period even though it's labeled "This Calendar Year."
This table needs to be revised. This is the Breakage/Quebra Vacinal tab, but this table labels talks about stockout. I am assuming that the labels are not well adjusted with the table.
Corrections: instead of: Tabela de Rupturas por Distrito – DPT, Sarampo e BCG – Último Ano, we can replace with, Tabela de Quebra Vacinal por Distrito – DPT, Sarampo e BCG – Último
Ano I've made this change.
On other hand, we need to replace the remaining words Rupturas with IQV. I've made this change.
Hi Clay Crosby (Unlicensed). What Timoteo is asking for above makes sense, and I'd be happy to help oblige. I'm hesitant to make any changes to the table, however, due to behavior it exhibits which I don't understand. Simply "exploring" it causes the table to indicate the it's been altered as shown in the screenshot below. Most tables don't do this. Because it would be risky to change something which I don't understand, I wonder if you'll please take a look and let me know what you think. [The same issue/question applies to the "Community Engagement (Lecture)" and "Community Engagement (Radio)" charts which Timoteo highlights below.]
From Clay Crosby (Unlicensed): Changes to the main page's dashboard percolate to charts being modified. Charts were showing up as "altered" for Ben because he'd updated the main dashboard's filter.
Tab Envolvimento Comunitário
The label of this chart need to be replaced with the Portuguese translation that is:
- Brigadas Móveis - Taxa de Execução por Distritos. I made the above change.
Replace the label of this chart with the translations: Palestras - Taxa de Execução por Distritos. I made this change.
Replace the label of this chart with the translations: Rádio - Taxa de Execução por Distritos.
I plan to circle-back to these based on Clay Crosby (Unlicensed)'s input (which I requested above) I made this change.
We can remove the acronyms BM, for example:
Remove EC Planeado Palestras and leave Planeadas
I think I've made the above changes properly and that the dashboard is alright, but please review to confirm whether you think so. Form Timoteo: I Think it's alright
The RED/REC and HSS Founds tab are empty, I need info to make analyses.
I added some data and charts to the RED/REC section. Will you please take a look, Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed), and provide the translations that you think best.
The introduction text introduction text must to be: Esta seção Esta secção contém gráficos e tabelas sobre a expansão do RED/REC para os distritos. Esta informação é reportada trimestralmente mediante o número de distritos planificados para a expansão em detrimento do número de distritos expandidos.
Thank you very much, Timoteo; I added the above text.
I hope you don't mind that I took on some more visualizations, Clay Crosby (Unlicensed). Addressing the issues with the Coverage tab's calculations isn't something for which I'm equipped, so this seemed like an alternate way of pitching in.
Because the HSS Funds data exists elsewhere in Superset, Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed), I suggest that we remove its tab from the Provincial dashboard. Would that be alright? From Timoteo: I think It doesn't make a lot of sense to have it at provincial level.