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Short-term and long-term steps were identified:

#Action StepTimelineNotesJira ticket
1Revert work done in OLMIS-3201Short-termThis will be reverted before 3.2.1. We agree this will leave in-consistent validations and it will leave a limitation that users in the Malawi implementation cannot enter 31 stock-out-days. But we agree that outcome is better than releasing the changes that were made in OLMIS-3201.
Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA
2Design and implement "actual days" data entryMid-termGap Analysis work in 2018 may tackle this issue. Notes on the whiteboard above summarize this concept. Josh and Mary Jo need to be involved in design. There are details to work out before implementation. (It's not a trivial ticket.)
3 or TBDAdmin UI to configure periodsMid-term
Core work on admin screens may tackle this issue. FYI Sam Im (Deactivated). The timeline for this action step can happen independently from the others, but we do need to include Josh and Mary Jo so we make sure that Admin UI will align with the rest of this.

4Create a new column to separate 'Average Consumption' from 'AMC'Long-term

The 'Average Consumption' column would not use a 360-day calendar; it would work fine for any length periods. The AMC column would be based on periods that are multiples of a whole number of months; it would use a 360-day calendar. Both columns would be calculations that share the same "actual days" data entry field from step 2 above. This work needs to include documentation for implementers about reporting, forecasting and calendaring.

FYI Sam Im (Deactivated) once this is decided this needs to be added to the R&R template configuration in the Configuration Guide.

Code & Background

  • Current formula, shown above, only works effectively for periods that are multiples of whole months.
  • In Requisition service, see calculateAndSetFields(), numberOfMonthsInPeriod, and calculateAdjustedConsumption().
  • In ReferenceData service, see durationInMonths.
    • This comes from Java 8 java.time.Period.getMonths() logic which provides a whole number of months in the Period DTO and endpoints.
