Table of Contents |
Opportunities Visualization
Goal: The goal behind visualizing inquiries and opportunities into OpenLMIS is to have both:
- OpenLMIS inquiries by country (map)
- OpenLMIS inquiries by country (bar graph)
- OpenLMIS inquiries by country and organization (map)
Demos and Partnerships
Date | Participants | Content | Follow-Up/Actions | ||||||
2/21/17 | Tenly Snow (Deactivated) - OpenLMIS Community Manager ( Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) - OpenLMIS Product Owner ( Jake Watson (Deactivated) - Information Systems Group Lead ( Nicola Hobby - BAO Systems PSI Participants (see image) | VillageReach team discussed the re-architecture effort for OpenLMIS, the Product Roadmap, and community structure, and performed a quick demo of the requisition process in OpenLMIS v3.0. PSI. Requests from countries for supply chain automation and management. Quite often they may not have the volume or capacity, but if OpenLMIS could be integrated with DHIS2, in some countries we have sales apps that are an add-on to DHIS2. Good to have a sense of the overall product - requests of PSI are wide-ranging. Many more requests in using DHIS2 as an integration interface - many questions around sales, mobile health technology, Greenmash, QA, supervision, referral side of things. PSI is trying to get better at saying, this is what DHIS2 is good at, and this is where it's good at interfacing. Resources OpenLMIS Re-Architecture Overview Recording
Contact Tenly Snow (Deactivated) ( for more information
Countries Interested | Organizations Interested |
Cameroon Ghana Guatamala India Kenya Liberia Libya Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Nigeria Philippines Saudi Arabia Somalia Swaziland Zimbabwe | Boresha Afya - Tanzania (USAID funded) HealthPlus Limited Howard University - Nigeria Marie Stopes - Zimbabwe PATH PSI (HQ and Country Offices) SANRU - DRC Save the Children Strathmore University - Nigeria Tableau UNFPA UNICEF USAID country staff |
Prospective Implementations & Expansions
X Implementation not likely/On Hold Indefinitely | O Implementation Possible/Still Under Discussion | ✔ Implementation Highly Likely/Decided |
Country | Status | Partner | Funder | Scope and Current Situation | Prospective Start Date | Software Development Feature Asks | ||||||
Cameroon | O | Seeking implementing partner CHAI | UNFPA | Cameroon UNFPA office interested in exploring OLMIS as a solution for both family planning and other commodities CHAI and VR putting together a proposal for combined OLMIS and ESMS mobile front-end | TBD | Mobile data collection Interoperability with DHIS2 | ||||||
Liberia | O | Seeking implementation partner IntraHealth? Collaborative Support for Health (CSH)? | Liberia MOH USAID | Liberia MOH has officially selected OpenLMIS. Currently rolling out training on paper-based system - hoping to fast-track discussions around electronic LMIS system. OpenLMIS Global Team has held discussions with Liberia MOH HIS Director, IntraHealth, and CSH. They have shared Liberia HIS landscape doc. Next steps are for LMIS TWG to discuss and inform implementation considerations. | TBD |
| ||||||
Senegal | O | Seeking implementing partner IntraHealth? | UNFPA Merck For Mothers USAID | Identified gap in data management where OpenLMIS could fit well and integrate with CommCare Supply (Dimagi) at the lower levels, and existing ERP at higher level. Transition of the informed push project to the national government. UNFPA advocating for OpenLMIS. Discussions have been held with the Senegal MOH and the COPRO LMIS TWG. Proposal for OpenLMIS implementation has been shared with the COPRO Committee (see below)
| TBD | Integration with existing systems (DHIS2, CommCare Supply) Visibility into supply chain Reports Requisitions | ||||||
Nepal | O | See RFI's section for full details on Nepal prospective implementation | ||||||||||
Somalia | X | UNICEF UNFPA | UNICEF | Some interest from UNFPA and UNICEF Somalia for an electronic LMIS system. A consultant contacted the OpenLMIS Global team who prepared an implementation proposal. Did not hear anything following the submission of the proposal, but were recently contacted again by UNFPA and UNICEF staff asking for information (not clear if they ever saw the proposal?)
| TBD | |||||||
DRC | X O | SANRU | TBD | Potential implementation through DRC NGO SANRU | TBD | Data reporting and visualization Inventory Management Requisitions | ||||||
Malawi | ✔ | PSM VillageReach | USAID | National implementation at district and national level for all programs except vaccines and labs via USAID GHSC. Contract for Malawi project has been signed and work is underway. Project rollout planned for July 2017 | July 2017 Software Rollout | Offline Requisitions Basic Reports DHIS2 Integration cStock Integration Data Migration from Supply Chain Manager Web-Based Dashboard | ||||||
Mozambique | X | VillageReach | GAVI HSS | SELV is on the table for national expansion, and from the planning workshop this week, it has increased in support and likelihood. There are several considerations around that, tied to SELV being part of the distribution system, but a lot of interest in expanding it. Have received some requests from form from Mozambique government. Needs follow up. | TBD | Expansion of SELV for vaccine management to further geographies | ||||||
Uganda | X | CHAI ThoughtWorks | TBD - DFID, BMGF | CHAI in partnership with ThoughtWorks working to develop a white label stock management app attached to OpenLMIS. Uganda has created a requirements document for this piece of work. Initial scope is more of a pilot - similar to CHAI Mozambique (which was developed just for Mozambique). They would test it, then look for separate scaling funding. | TBD | Mobile data collection Routine inventory collection and management |
Requests for Information (RFIs)
Requesting Org. | Responding Org. | Subject | Submission Date/Status | ||||||||||||
Chemonics GHSC-PSM | JSI CHAI ThoughtWorks VillageReach | RFI - Nepal: Logistics Management & Information Systems Solutions Responses to questions
| January 20, 2017 Response sent by Tenly Snow (Deactivated) on 1/31/17
| ||||||||||||
Gavi INFUSE | VillageReach | Increasing access to vaccines and connecting innovators with influential public and private sector individuals VR responded on behalf of OpenLMIS under the "Real Time Data Monitoring" heading
| March 2016 | ||||||||||||
UNOPS | VillageReach | RFI from UNOPs on eLMIS systems, conducting market research for eLMIS systems and associated tools | March 2016 |
New Funding Opportunities
Funding Organization | Notes | ||||||
Digital Health Initiative (DHI) | PATH presented on the DHI, through which new funding may potentially be available to fund OpenLMIS. The information was presented to the Governance committee, and a working group will be formed to develop budgets and roles/responsibilities within the OLMIS community to support the sustainability of the initiative. | ||||||
Gates Foundation | Potential funding source for re-architecture effort of OpenLMIS. Proposal brief submitted to Gates in May, received conditional agreement from
| ||||||
Gavi INFUSE | OpenLMIS core team has been invited to present at the Gavi INFUSE workshop as one of 18 potential innovations for vaccine management in late July, 2016. A3 Poster to be shared during presentation:
| ||||||
USAID BAA | Potential funding through USAID Digital Health and Interoperability Coordination BAA to augment the BMGF grant work already underway for the OpenLMIS re-architecture from v2.0 to v3.0. PATH likely to be the lead implementing partner (IP) for the BAA - up to agreement amongst IPs VillageReach on behalf of PATH, JSI, and VillageReach responded to USAID with a draft workplan, specifically covering the requested gap analysis, update to CRDM, and business case/statement of work. |
Name of Award | Awarding Organization | Application Details | Notes |
USAID Catalyst Awards: Digital Development Award "Digis" | USAID | Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to work on application with OLMIS community | Complete list of Application Questions
Event, Date | Info | Attending | ||||||
RHSC Annual Meeting Brussels March 20-22 | ||||||||
DHIS2 Symposium Washington, D.C. March 22-23 | OpenLMIS presentation for the Symposium will repurpose the Lab session abstract that was presented at the 2017 GDHF. The session will be presented with Nicola and Steffen from BAO Systems. | Amanda BenDor (Unlicensed) or Carl Leitner may attend. | ||||||
ICT4D Conference Lusaka May 8-10 | Dércio Duvane Chris Opit (Unlicensed) is planning on attending and suggesting to submit an abstract for OpenLMIS | |||||||
Health and Humanitarian Logistics (HHL) Dubai July 25-27 | ||||||||
Global Health Supply Chain Summit (GHSCS) (date not yet announced) | ||||||||
Global Digital Health Forum (date not yet announced) | ||||||||
TechNet-21 (date not yet announced) | ||||||||
2017 |