Question | Outcome | Status |
During review process, more complex handling was requested for budget shortfall situations. For example allowing the approver to pick another funding source to meet the shortfall | To be discussed |
Upload routine needs to pay attention to reporting group (group A, B, C) and schedule (monthly/qtrly) to determine the period for which the budget is being uploaded | To be discussed | |
Upload process should not initialize the budget table. In other words, the budget file can contain partial region/district/facility data, which may be incrementally add/updated through different file uploads | To be discussed | |
Having to support debit/credit for multiple R&R within a budget period, product returns, etc., can make the net budget calculation very complex. To simplify, ERP can be relied upon to keep track of debit/credits and OpenLMIS can import a fresh budget for each period where the budget amount is the net amount available as of the start date of the period, per the accounting performed at ERP level. | To be discussed | |
Mechanism should be there to maintain history of budgets vs actuals for past periods. | To be discussed |