Test Case #: 1152
Test Case Name: Initiate requisition endpoint should validate the user has right at the facility and program specified | |
System: openLMIS | Subsystem: blue |
Test case designed by: Lucyna Laska | Design Date:30.11.2016 |
Short description: The requisition initiate endpoint needs to validate the facilityId and programId passed in, by checking that the user initiating the requisition has the initiate requisition right at this facility and program. This will be done by calling the refactored hasRight endpoint ( OLMIS-1162 Done ).
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 |
Create a role for initiating the requisition. URL: Body: { "id": "cdc3a030-b9de-4f60-a414-49754ed614c9", "name": "Initiate Requisition", "rights": [ { "id": "9ade922b-3523-4582-bef4-a47701f7df14", "name": "REQUISITION_CREATE", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] } ] } |
| |
2 |
Create a role for viewing the requisition. Body: { "id": "955596d6-fa9c-4d52-9461-75e946345e2c", "name": "View Requisition", "rights": [ { "id": "e101d2b8-6a0f-4af6-a5de-a9576b4ebc50", "name": "REQUISITION_VIEW", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] } ] } | |||
3 | Assign REQUISITION_CREATE role to user with proper program. Body: { "username": "devadmin", "firstName": "Admin", "lastName": "Admin", "email": "devadmin@openlmis.org", "timezone": "CET", "homeFacility": { "code": "W01", "name": "CMST Warehouse", "geographicZone": { "code": "Mal-So", "name": "Southern Region", "level": { "code": "Region", "levelNumber": 2, "id": "9b497d87-cdd9-400e-bb04-fae0bf6a9491" }, "id": "0bbd69c1-e20f-48f5-aae4-26dcd8aa7602" }, "type": { "code": "WH", "name": "Warehouse", "displayOrder": 3, "active": true, "id": "e2faaa9e-4b2d-4212-bb60-fd62970b2113" }, "operator": { "code": "moh", "name": "Ministry of Health", "displayOrder": 1, "id": "9456c3e9-c4a6-4a28-9e08-47ceb16a4121" }, "active": true, "enabled": true, "openLmisAccessible": true, "supportedPrograms": [ { "code": "PRG003", "name": "New program", "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "id": "66032ea8-b69b-4102-a1eb-844e57143187" } ], "id": "19121381-9f3d-4e77-b9e5-d3f59fc1639e" }, "verified": true, "active": true, "loginRestricted": false, "roleAssignments": [ { "roleId": "cdc3a030-b9de-4f60-a414-49754ed614c9", "programCode": "PRG003" } ], "id": "56a50e9a-9668-437d-a09c-7e709ce22222" } | ||
4 | Initiate the requisition for home Facility and program. URL: Method: POST | The requisition can be initiated when its emergency or not. | |
5 | Submit the previously initiated requisition. URL: | ||
6 | Assign REQUISITION_CREATE role to user with facility which user will be supervise and program. Body: { "username": "devadmin", "firstName": "Admin", "lastName": "Admin", "email": "devadmin@openlmis.org", "timezone": "CET", "homeFacility": { "code": "W01", "name": "CMST Warehouse", "geographicZone": { "code": "Mal-So", "name": "Southern Region", "level": { "code": "Region", "levelNumber": 2, "id": "9b497d87-cdd9-400e-bb04-fae0bf6a9491" }, "id": "0bbd69c1-e20f-48f5-aae4-26dcd8aa7602" }, "type": { "code": "WH", "name": "Warehouse", "displayOrder": 3, "active": true, "id": "e2faaa9e-4b2d-4212-bb60-fd62970b2113" }, "operator": { "code": "moh", "name": "Ministry of Health", "displayOrder": 1, "id": "9456c3e9-c4a6-4a28-9e08-47ceb16a4121" }, "active": true, "enabled": true, "openLmisAccessible": true, "supportedPrograms": [ { "code": "PRG003", "name": "New program", "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "id": "66032ea8-b69b-4102-a1eb-844e57143187" } ], "id": "19121381-9f3d-4e77-b9e5-d3f59fc1639e" }, "verified": true, "active": true, "loginRestricted": false, "roleAssignments": [ { "roleId": "cbc8bf52-0f5a-439f-a38f-49558fecb1c9", "programCode": "PRG003" }, { "roleId": "955596d6-fa9c-4d52-9461-75e946345e2c", "programCode": "PRG003" }, { "roleId": "cbc8bf52-0f5a-439f-a38f-49558fecb1c9", "programCode": "PRG002", "supervisoryNodeCode": "N1" } ], "id": "56a50e9a-9668-437d-a09c-7e709ce22222" }, | ||
7 | Try to initiate the requisition for the facility which user supervise. URL: Method: POST | The requisition can be initiated when its emergency or not. | |
8 | Try to submit the requisition for the facility which user supervise URL: Method: POST
| ||
9 | Try to initiate the requisition for the facility which user supervise when user does not have permission to some program. URL: Method: POST | ||
10 | Try to initiate the requisition for the facility which user does not supervise. URL: Method: POST | ||
Post – conditions: |