Places where dates and times are being used currently (as of 2016-12-19):
- Reference Data
- Facility
- goLiveDate - Date
- goDownDate - Date
- RefDataErrorHandling - uses Date
- ProcessingPeriod
- startDate - LocalDate
- endDate - LocalDate
- controller (search), validator, service, repository, custom, impl classes use these
- ProcessingPeriodDto
- startDate - LocalDate
- endDate - LocalDate
- LocalDatePersistenceConverter, LocalDateTimePersistenceConverter - uses LocalDate and java.sql.Date
- SupportedProgram
- startDate - ZonedDateTime
- SupportedProgramDto
- This is an unusual situation because is being serialized to a string, with no time or timezone information and therefore when deserialized, it is essentially a LocalDateTime, which needs to be converted to a ZonedDateTime. We might need to serialize it to a timezone-based string.
- ProcessingSchedule
- modifiedDate - LocalDateTime
- Facility
- Auth
- CustomTokenServices - uses Date to get now + validitySeconds to determine when token expires
- PasswordResetToken
- expiryDate - LocalDateTime
- Requisition