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The OpenLMIS Community is pleased to announce the 3.0 release of OpenLMIS!

After 8 months of hard ass work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! re-architecture effort for OpenLMIS for OPENLMIS IS DONE!!! Requisitions, based on an all-new micro-service architecture. This stable release is the first to utilize the new architecture and is a bold step in the direction of “shared investment, shared benefit” that is the rallying cry of the OpenLMIS Community. 3.0 is the first of more planned dot releases to fill out the long-term vision of providing a full feature logistic management information system which ministries of health and organizations can utilize to manage their supply chain. Please reference the Living Product Roadmap for the high-level estimated release schedule for version 3.1 and beyond.


Early contributions to OpenLMIS by PATH, USAID, Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities, JSI, ThoughtWorks and others first helped shape the product and define its original code base (v.0.9) for deployments in Tanzania and Zambia in late 2013 under the name “eLMIS.” In 2015, eLMIS was also deployed in Cote D’Ivoire, and OpenLMIS software development continued with the v1.0 release, which was deployed by VillageReach to manage vaccine distribution in Mozambique and Benin.

As new installations of OpenLMIS were developed and deployed, a key challenge was the inability to easily extend the code base, which resulted in a “code fork” between the early implementations and the later v1.0 implementations. In an effort to address the fork the community agreed to begin working toward a common master branch, and at the September 2015 all-community meeting, the community also agreed that a single, “core” code line was required. This effort to re-work the OpenLMIS code is referred to as the "3.0 Re-Architecture" of OpenLMIS.

VillageReach and partners have worked to make the re-architecture process as transparent as possible through clear documentation available on the OpenLMIS Wiki. The OpenLMIS Re-Architecture Acceleration Brief outlines the plan and approach for this effort, the high level architecture is captured at Architecture Overview (v3), and the Re-Architecture Concept Note provides a detailed, clear explanation of the re-architecture plan and approaches.

OpenLMIS is open source, and all source code for this 3.0.0 release is available on GitHub for collaboration: https://github.com/OpenLMIS/. The GitHub repositories contain the reference distribution, which contains multiple components, each with source code in GitHub.

Key Objectives

  • Improve end-to-end visibility within the supply chain with underlying architecture to support track and trace
  • Extensible architecture and mechanisms to allow maximum benefit to shared benefit vision
  • Support a configurable feature set to manage a sub-national health supply chain using a pull based replenishment approach

Key Features

  • New offline data entry
  • API driven to improve interoperability 
  • Highly configurable system setup

Key messages or things we should be sure to include in the Release Notes

  • technical documentation is coming Added a Documentation section below
  • no examples of extension due to prioritization (link to PC decision; please add this into the Extensibility sub-heading)
  • semantic versioning (pull from Brandon's presentation) Added a section called On-Going Updates and Support
  • New product/commodity model Covered in section "Updated Product Model for GS1"
  • importance of staying up-to-date with latest version (for shared value) covered in "On-Going Updates and Support"

  • check in/status snapshot on BMGF re-architecture goals; be honest about what's done and left to do (Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) Do you think we should list some of the features pulled out of 3.0 by the Product Committee? Alternatively, we could include a statement that some features were reduced and link people to the product committee or to the living roadmap.)


This release is Version 3.0.0 of the OpenLMIS Reference Distribution.

This release includes the components listed below. Each component is in its own public GitHub repo and versioned independently:

Auth Service 3.0.0

Provides OAuth 2 compatible authentication.

Reference Data Service 3.0.0

The reference data service stores master data lists used across services. It provides business logic and APIs for managing those entities. It includes:

    • Facility management. Create, modify, activate and deactivate facilities and associated properties. 
    • Configurable geographic hierarchy for reporting.

    • Definition of requisition groups and supervisory nodes that are used by the configurable requisition approval process.

    • Product management. Create, modify, store relevant attributes (such as pack size and price per pack), assign to groups and categories for display purposes, assign to programs and facility types for tailored approved product lists, associate between product classification types and TradeItems to support track and trace within GS1 standards (see for details Medical Commodities: OpenLMIS Model for GS1).

    • Program management. Create, modify, and add any number of programs.

    • User management. Create, modify, update passwords and details. Provides role-based access control
Reference UI 3.0.0

Provides a Reference UI application for using OpenLMIS in a web browser. It can be customized for implementation-specific needs. It is multi-lingual for translation, and it is component-based to build one UI application from multiple components. See sections about Extensibility and Multi-Language Support below.

Requisition Service 3.0.0

The requisition service contains the business logic and feature set to support the requisitioning of products and commodities using a pull based replenishment cycle.

    • Customize program specific requisition form templates. Can define display order, select options for data input and define number of periods to aver for averaged consumption (can support AMC).
    • Create, submit, authorize, and approve regular requisitions within a replenishment cycle or irregularly as an emergency requisition. The approval process is configurable and supported through role-based access controls. 

    • Create requisitions for supervised facilities and not just your home facility.
    • Online and offline data entry within the requisition form.

    • Useful data entry validations and rules to improve data quality. For example, beginning balance is taken from the SOH of the previous requisition.

    • Dynamic display of the total requisition cost based on the requested and approved quantities depending on which state the requisition is in.

    • Skip products (line items) if there isn't a need to request stock. Can be disabled by program requisition template.
    • Leave comments on a requisition for other users to see and understand context (new behavior for 3.0).

    • Ability to delete to a requisition.

    • View list of requisitions to see what status they are within the approval process.

    • Users with approval permissions can reject a requisition so that the submitter can correct and address issues.

    • Skip an entire requisition period if given the permissions to do so.

    • Convert a requisition to an order (handled by the Fulfillment Service; see below).

    • Print a requisition at any point throughout the workflow.

    • Notifications sent via email to the requisition creator upon each approval or status change.
    • Provides two reports that are the most commonly-used for Requisition data and oversight.
    • All this Requisition functionality is provided as a RESTful API that is used by the UI (below) and by other components of OpenLMIS.

Requisition Reference UI 3.0.0

Provides the UI screens for the requisition functionality. This is pulled into the Reference UI by the build system.

Fulfillment Service 3.0.0

The fulfillment service contains the business logic and feature set to support external fulfillment and updating an electronic proof of delivery with received amounts against the original order.

    • Configurable order file template.
    • Generate orders and transfer files via FTP.
    • FTP settings are configurable.
    • Send an order file to an FTP, see the Facility FTP Settings for details.
    • View and search for orders to see the status of the orders.

    • Manage the POD to record received quantities against the original orders.

    • Send order files to FTP.

    • Print order files (PDF/CSV).
Notification Service 3.0.0

Sends email notifications for events, such as Requisition status notifications.

In addition to each of these components, other supporting components have their own GitHub repos, including: a template service and a service-base; an example service with example extensions and one example-extension along with an extension template; deployment scriptscontract tests; a logging service; tailored docker-ized distributions of nginx and postgres; a docker image for developer tooling called docker-dev and a UI build image called dev-ui; a scalyr monitoring tool; a library for shared Java code called service-util; and configuration files.

New Architecture and Build Environment 

OpenLMIS 3.0.0 is built with an all-new architecture that better supports customizations and extensions. The goal is to enable different OpenLMIS implementations in different countries to share one global, open source codebase. Some features of 3.0.0 may look similar to version 2, but under the hood the architecture and technology are a leap forward.


OpenLMIS 1 and 2 were each monolithic applications, and OpenLMIS 3 is split into independent services that provide RESTful APIs for different functional areas. These services have a consistent web-based user interface powered by a UI build that creates one UI application out of multiple components.

Each service has its own API with a RAML specification and automatically-generated online API documentation: http://openlmis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/

The database storage for each service is separated into its own schema with its own ERD diagram automatically generated: http://openlmis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/erd/ (drill in to see any Live ERD)

All the services are bundled together in the Reference Distribution, which includes: all back-end APIs; an AngularJS web application built from multiple components; and an NGINX proxy to make it simple to route to all the services via one URL.

The new micro-services architecture of OpenLMIS 3 allows individual components to be used, customized or extended in a modular way. Learn more in the wiki (includes architectural diagrams): https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51019809

Docker Containers

Version 3 of OpenLMIS is built with containers and ready for the cloud. Each service runs in its own Docker container, and Docker Compose ties multiple services together with other third-party components like Consul and NGINX. Every OpenLMIS 3 service and the Reference UI are published to Docker Hub as a deployable image. The Reference Distribution uses Docker Compose to allow you to swap in or out components and run an entire OpenLMIS system. Containerized versions of each service and of developer tooling makes it easier for developers to get involved in OpenLMIS and makes deployments to production more predictable and repeatable.


A prime focus of version 3 is enabling extensions and customizations to happen without forking the codebase.

There are multiple ways OpenLMIS 3 can be extended, and lots of documentation and starter code:

  • The Reference UI supports extension by adding CSS, overriding HTML layouts, adding new screens, or replacing existing screens in the UI application. See the UI Extension Architecture and Guide.
  • The Services can be extended using extension points in the Java code. The core team is eager to add more extension points as they are requested by implementors. For documentation about this extension mechanism, see these 3 READMEs: openlmis-example-extensions README, openlmis-example-extension module README, and openlmis-example service README.
  • Customization can also be achieved by adding in or swapping out individual micro-services in order to provide new or altered functionality.
  • Some features may require both API and UI extensions/customizations. The Technical Committee worked on a Requisition Splitting Extension Scenario that illustrates how multiple extension techniques can be used in parallel.

To learn more about the OpenLMIS 3.0 extension architecture and use cases, see: https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/IYAKAw

OAuth 2 Compatibility

OpenLMIS 3.0.0 includes an Auth Service that implements OAuth 2 so that the product can easily integrate with other systems in a single sign-on environment.

Automated Testing

In a micro-service world, automated testing is even more important. OpenLMIS 3.0.0 includes new patterns and tools for automated test coverage at all levels. Unit tests continue to be the foundation of our automated testing strategy, as they were in previous versions of OpenLMIS. But 3.0 introduces a new focus on integration tests, component tests, and contract tests (using Cucumber).Test coverage for unit and integration tests is being tracked automatically using Sonar. Check the status of test coverage at: http://sonar.openlmis.org/.

CI/CD Pipelines

Continuous Integration and Deployment have also seen significant investment in OpenLMIS 3. Jenkins is used to automate builds and deployments trigged by code commits. The CI/CD process includes running automated tests, generating ERDs, publishing to Docker Hub, deploying to Test and UAT servers, and more. Furthermore, documentation of these build pipeline allows any OpenLMIS implementation to close this configuration and employ CI/CD best practices. See the status of all builds online: http://build.openlmis.org/ 

Learn more about OpenLMIS CI/CD on the wiki: https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=87195734

Updated Product Model for GS1

The new product model incorporates lessons learned from previous versions of OpenLMIS in the area of stock management and local fulfillment. It also uses the GS1 logical model and implements supply chain best practices (such as support for lots, packaging, GTINs, etc). Read more and see diagrams of the new Product Model on the wiki: Medical Commodities: OpenLMIS Model for GS1.

And More

We've also invested in other areas of the platform that are important for OpenLMIS to be a trusted, global platform: security, localization, and more. Follow along in JIRA: (https://openlmis.atlassian.net/projects/OLMIS/issues/OLMIS-400?filter=allopenissues) ...or get involved in the committees or on the developer email list (see http://openlmis.org/openlmis-community/).


The available documentation for 3.0.0 is a step forward, and the core team is committed to continue improving it:

  • For the Community (including Implementors, Partners, Country staff): The Confluence Wiki includes technical designs and requirements and is the hub for all community and project resources.
  • For DevelopersReadTheDocs includes developer documentation such as README files from each component, including API docs. The wiki also includes a Developer Guide section that is a helpful starting point for developers getting started with OpenLMIS 3.
  • JIRA tickets also contain a record of all specifications and test plans for the features in OpenLMIS 3.

Status: Stable and Recommended

Version 3.0.0 is a stable release. It is production-ready and recommended for new deployments of OpenLMIS.

On-Going Updates and Support

Version 3.0.0 will be updated with bug fixes, security updates, and performance improvements in patch releases that will happen on an as-needed schedule (3.0.1, 3.0.2, etc). In addition, new functionality will come out quarterly in minor releases and will be backwards-compatible (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, etc).

The core team is committed to making these patch and minor releases backwards-compatible and easy to apply during the 3.x.x development. In order to achieve the "shared value" community goals, it is important that implementations of version 3 stay up-to-date with these releases. See the Releases wiki page for details.

Comparing Versions 1, 2 and 3

The 3.0 release does not contain every single feature of 1.x and 2.x. Many of the 1.x and 2.x-based systems deployed in numerous countries include significant customizations. The 3.0 release contains a core set of features—with emphasis on Requisition and Fulfillment—that are built in a micro-services architecture so they can be extended and customized to meet country-specific needs.

Now that 3.0 has been released, the priorities for what features are added for 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 are set by the Product Committee and Governance Committee. The goal of the OpenLMIS Community is to continue shrinking the "gap" between previous versions and 3.x so that more countries can migrate to 3.x and benefit from a shared, common platform. This will reduce the on-going operating costs for all users and will bring consistent global benefits such as GS1 compliance, track-and-trace capability, and common analytics and metrics.

How to Upgrade to 3 from a Previous Version

There is not an automated, push-button migration from 1.x/2.x into 3.x. Countries already using a previous version of OpenLMIS are encouraged to review the feature-set in version 3 and let the community know what features are a priority for their ability to migrate to 3.x. There is a "Gap Analysis" project led by PATH and including JSI and VR that is collecting and prioritizing these requirements and identifying the migration path for users of 1.x and 2.x to move to OpenLMIS version 3. For more information or to get involved, contact the OpenLMIS Community Manager, Tenly Snow, or contact Brian Taliesin at PATH.

Browser and Device Compatibility

Past versions of OpenLMIS have officially supported Firefox. For OpenLMIS 3.0, we prioritized support of Chrome because of global trends, statistics provided by the OpenLMIS community, along with its developer tools and its auto-updating nature.

Browser versions that were included in testing and bug fixes are:

  1. Chrome 52+ (test on Chrome 52 and Chrome latest)
  2. Firefox 48+ (test on Firefox 48 and Firefox latest)

Operating systems that were included in testing and bug fixes are:

  1. Windows 7 (still the most widely used in Mozambique, Zambia and Benin and globally)
  2. Windows 10

The QA team also did some testing on Linux (Ubuntu) and Mac.

Devices tested were all desktop browsers including use of a pointer (mouse, trackpad, etc). OpenLMIS 3.0 has not been tested with touch screen interfaces such as iPad, tablets or smartphones.

We have asked for OpenLMIS implementations to share their google analytics to better inform how we prioritize and invest in browser and device support going forward.

For details, see the Test Strategy. Contact the Product Committee to share your priorities for browser and device support.

Multi-Language Support

OpenLMIS 3 has translation keys and strings built into each component, including the API services and UI components. English is the only language that is 100% complete as of this 3.0 release. The community is encouraging the contribution of translations using Transifex, a tool to manage the translation process. Because of the micro-service architecture, each component has its own translation file and its own Transifex project. See the OpenLMIS Transifex projects to get started.

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