Dates: -
Team Parrot Sprint
Sprint Goal:
- ONA request: - OLMIS-5593Getting issue details... STATUS (need to talk with Josh about the design)
- Tech Debt next recommendation: - OLMIS-4999Getting issue details... STATUS (if perf test deploy is fixed)
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized bugs:
Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized Tech Debt tickets:
- Sebastian BrudziĆski to add Tech Debt backlog here
- Regression testing cycle as needed (Joanna Bebak (Deactivated))
Team Ona Gap
Sprint Goal:
- - OLMIS-5462Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5593Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5608Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5610Getting issue details... STATUS
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
Team JSI Gap
Sprint Goal:
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
Team Mind the Gap
Sprint Goal:
Tickets are listed in priority from top (highest priority) to bottom (lowest priority) on this page, and in the active sprint Jira board.
Multiple Suppliers (Priority 1) - OLMIS-4842Getting issue details... STATUS :
Need to prioritize in grooming on Monday
- - OLMIS-5138Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5142Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5143Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5354Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5355Getting issue details... STATUS
Reporting support for Team Ona (Priority 2):
- - OLMIS-5499Getting issue details... STATUS (Waiting for list of reports from Clay before we start this work)
- - OLMIS-5501Getting issue details... STATUS (Before we can size - Need to review Craig's documentation on Superset auth - should be available on Monday 10/22)
Blocker or Critical bugs before 3.5 release (Priority 3):
Tech Debt tickets (20%):
- Requisition - R&R extra ARV regimen patient information tab (gathering requirements and writing tickets for 3.6 release)