Holiday sprint so we expect velocity and number of tickets/story points will be less. Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed), Josh Zamor, Nick Reid (Deactivated) and Brandon Bowersox-Johnson please see the following page and provide your input.
Requisitions (template and improvements)
- - OLMIS-1100Getting issue details... STATUS - is this still a thing? The description links to some code, but it doesn't seem to match the description anymore
- - OLMIS-1134Getting issue details... STATUS (Mary Jo says this should be ready) - blocked by - OLMIS-839Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1387Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-886Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-924Getting issue details... STATUS
Offline tickets
Stretch Goals (from sprint 15):
- - OLMIS-1129Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1418Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1352Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1353Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1227Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1228Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1408Getting issue details... STATUS (asked Nick to flesh out this ticket; if it's still marked as Stub then please don't start it)
- - OLMIS-1072Getting issue details... STATUS (Team ILL) (related to bug - OLMIS-1423Getting issue details... STATUS )
Reference Data
- Copied over from Sprint 15
- Themes: continue wrapping up extension modules (extensions image and extension module template), spikes on JaVers/EnVers to inform audit logging and timezones (past due), as well as general cleanup for ensuring services communicate and docker images are deployed with best practices. ODK spike is commencing in further section. Holding on Jasper for now.
These tickets were on past grooming lists and didn't make the cut yet:
- OLMIS-1415Getting issue details... STATUS (ILL)
- OLMIS-1109Getting issue details... STATUS (ILL)
- OLMIS-1389Getting issue details... STATUS (ILL)
- OLMIS-1456Getting issue details... STATUS (ILL)
- OLMIS-1283Getting issue details... STATUS (TOP/AYIC)
Stretch Goals:
- - OLMIS-1336Getting issue details... STATUS (TOP/AYIC)
- - OLMIS-1268Getting issue details... STATUS (TOP/AYIC)
- - OLMIS-1107Getting issue details... STATUS (TOP/AYIC)
- - OLMIS-1449Getting issue details... STATUS (TOP/AYIC)
Program Data and/or Stock Management
- TBD (and possibly we do grooming for these on a different wiki page and/or different cycle)
- OLMIS-918Getting issue details... STATUS (ThoughtWorks)
- Any of the items above that did not get pulled into a sprint
- Consider items from the stretch goals from Sprint 15
- - OLMIS-1102Getting issue details... STATUS (Team ILL – need to discuss feasibility/priority)