Which mock ups to be created:


Should we have more navigational hierarchy?

Open Question

  1. Once Stock management is selected as “on” by an implementer, can they also select which activities are “on” (i.e. choose to have any only adjustments for e.g. and record all stock management activities through adjustments). I prefer they have this ability, but open to discuss. If they can select the activities, the menu here should reflect those selections

  2. Can admin/implementer re-order the dropdown menu?

  3. Can admin/implementer re-group the dropdown menus? For instance, have ad-hoc receive/ad-hoc issue be part of the Receive and Fulfillment processes? Or combine Requisitions and Orders into a single dropdown? 
    a) For instance, the Zambia facility edition has Requisitions, Transactions (issues and receipts), and Stock activities (adjustments and physical stock counts)
    b) Some implementers might see ad-hoc issues and receipts belonging better with the Receive and Fulfillment processes, as opposed to Stock Management. Since the only difference there is whether the issue/receipt are user-initiated or automated/through OpenLMIS
  4. Should we consider the use of icons for stock management? In general, should stock management reference UI be more "advanced" than requisitions? How far can the look and feel for stock management differ from requisitions?
    1. Nick: prefers phrases versus icons. Typically for lower literacy you'll want both. Icons can also get tricky and may not mean the same thing across boundaries.

Facility Edition Demo photos

 here and here.

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) Lakshmi Balachandran

Attached is the example excel that TW discussed around different user scenarios of making stock movements.