What is a Lot in v3

A Lot object has the following:

This definition of Lot is similar to v2, with some modifications. See https://github.com/OpenLMIS/open-lmis/blob/master/modules/stock-management/src/main/java/org/openlmis/stockmanagement/domain/Lot.java for V2 domain object.

New Endpoints in ReferenceData


For now, the ability to GET lots is based on the same permissions as ability to get the trade items, namely ORDERABLES_MANAGE permission. And the ability to POST and PUT lots is based on ORDERABLES_MANAGE permission. This is a global, sysadmin permission—it applies to all programs and facilities with no granular rights at this time.

The Stock Management service will use a service-level token that will allow that service to hit any of the Lot endpoints.

For now, we expect the Stock Management UI will not need to hit the Lot endpoints directly. We expect the UI would query the Stock service, and the Stock service would provide the data including LotCode and ExpirationDate which it gets from the ReferenceData service. This is the pattern already used for the Requisition UI to query the Requisition Service to get Orderables data. The Orderables and Lots endpoints require administrative permissions that most end-users filling out a requisition or a stock inventory would not have.

Impact to Existing Endpoints

None. This work involves adding new endpoints into ReferenceData (referencedata-3.1.0), but does not change or break any existing endpoints. In particular, TradeItems endpoints already in ReferenceData would not return and Lot information inside them.

Process to Manage Lots

  1. Lot Management UI screens (view, create, update) - within the Products admin area, in the TradeItem record, some section or modal to see the current Lots and to update any one of them, or add a new Lot
  2. CSV uploads (desired)

Roles and Responsibilities

Future Functionality (not in 3.1 scope)

Open Questions

  1. Josh, are there any other GS1 fields or naming changes needed?
  2. Is it clear enough how to tell that a TradeItem has no Lots (meaning Stock Service should create stock cards by the trade item, not by Lots)?
    1. Would this be a 404 NOT FOUND from GET /api/lots?tradeItemID=1234&active=true or a 200 with empty response object {}?
  3. If a TradeItem has no Lots, then has StockCards with inventory and adjustments with no Lots, then later on the TradeItem has lots, how does that impact the Stock service?
    1. Proposed solution: For any TradeItem, allow the simultaneous existence of stock cards that have Lots along with stock cards that do not have Lots. We simply need our software to be flexible since Lots might get introduced into the supply chain at different times or in different locations, even after some stock cards and physical inventories exist in the software.
  4. If a TradeItem has Lots and Stock service has inventories and adjustments associated with it, and then all Lots become inactive with no new Lots added, how does that impact the Stock service?
    1. Proposed solution: same as above.
  5. Does Stock Management need an "adjustment" reason to move stock from one lot to another, in cases where it was inaccurate reported? Or in cases where it was previously inventoried with no Lot information but now we want to start tracking it by Lots?
    1. Proposed solution: For now we assume users might need to do this manually (pick some existing adjustment reason to reduce Lot A by 100 and increase Lot B by 100; or reduce count without a Lot by 100 and increase count in Lot C by 100).

(This wiki page was originally created in response to ticket https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/OLMIS-2108).