Draft Agenda (11 May 2017)

Additional details/descriptions to be added

Day 1

  1. Intro and Overview 
    1. What is OpenLMIS
    2. What is Design Thinking
  2. Persona exercise & Share back
    1. use existing personas as background info for facilitators, but otherwise personas are created collaboratively at that moment
    2. Hone in on Goals, Roles, Pain Points, and Context (context especially around literacy and computer comfort if possible)
  3. Process map & share back
  4. Story telling focus groups
  5. What did you learn/surprises

Day 2

  1. Day 1 summary & Day 2 overview
  2. Showcase combined map (combined map will be have been created by VR team the night before)
    1. collect feedback
    2. highlight/vote on most important sections (dot ranking?)
    3. identify stories of highest personal interest
  3. Empathy map for key personas
  4. Act out scenarios (good, bad)
    1. improv based on process map
    2. embody persona role from card
    3. goal: prototyping with your body. What are resolutions? What communication takes place?
  5. Formalize workflow & users
    1. comic book drawings

Day 3

  1. Recap of Day 2 / Intro to prototyping & user testing (VR team puts "screens" together the night before. Demo)
  2. Paper prototyping
    1. show draft (demo) prototypes
    2. split into groups
    3. arts & crafts → make prototype, test each other (1 test with someone else)
  3. Feedback
    1. collect from participants
    2. guidelines on how participants give feedback to each other – What is a useful user critique? What is a bug report?
  4. Paper prototypes continued (VR to videotape as many tests as possible)
    1. iterate based on feedback
    2. user test take 2
    3. iterate again 
  5. Share learnings with group
  6. Closing / thank you / bon voyage

Open Questions: