Working draft to complete on 5/19/17

Table of Contents

Please log all bugs PRIOR to mmddyy at 11:00am Pacific


  1. Install JIRA Capture (see instructions below)
  2. Review the current state of the software test scope, and test roles for context
  3. Sign up for the test scrips you plan to do, by linking your name (typing '@' and your name) in the "Tester" column
  4. Login and start testing the system
  5. When a test fails, please log bugs using JIRA Capture and the OpenLMIS pre-3.0 UAT template 
    1. Example bug logged, here.
  6. Update the table below with your results (pass/fail) and associated bugs logged

JIRA Capture is a way to screenshot the page you are viewing in your browser where you can comment directly and log 'bugs' within JIRA easily. 

Install JIRA Capture

  • Install the JIRA Capture chrome plug-in : LINK and a great instructional video of how to install it here.
  • Enter in the JIRA URL as 
  • Enter your JIRA/Atlassian username without the email part, for example my username is maryjo.kochendorfer
  • Enter your JIRA/Atlassian password
  • Look at the template tab (see screen shot) and expand the "SHARED" section
  • Select the template called "OpenLMIS pre-3.0 UAT" under shared and 'favorite' it. This template already has the appropriate label, epic and other parameters selected for us to track the bugs against this exercise.
  • Go to "issues" and create a new one, then select the template
  • Select "bug" as the issue type. Input the "Summary" Field and the "Description" field. The rest should be populated by the template. Example here.

Current state of software

Please review the following so you have an understand what work is currently underway or scheduled for the last sprint. There is quite a bit of information so we anticipate folks will log duplicate bugs but ideally we hope to minimize how many by providing you with the scope and current list of bugs.

Out of scope

  • Reporting
  • Removing offline copies of a requisition
  • Manage the POD screen
  • View Orders screen
  • Email Notifications
  • Audit logging
  • Viewing comment history on the requisition

Look and Feel

  • There is a current list of items we plan to do in the final sprint to "polish" the UI with spacing, etc. 
  • Pagination is still being worked on and it is not fully implemented across all screens 
  • Calendar will be updated to be more user friendly 
  • Please review current outstanding bugs here so that you aren't logging bugs already identified

Test Scope

The scope of this preliminary acceptance testing is to test the current state of functionalities of OpenLMIS version 3 and identify issues/bugs. There are a list of known bugs and outstanding functionalities. Please keep this in mind when capturing bugs so that we don't create too many duplicate issues. 

The testing scenarios cover the following functionalities:

  1. Accessing the system and logging in
  2. Resetting password (Cannot test this as we are fixing a bug related to sending emails )
  3. Creating and submitting a regular type requisition for Family Planning
    1. Adding comments
    2. Check validations
  4. Creating and submitting an emergency type requisition for Essential Meds
  5. Authorizing a requisition
  6. Approving a requisition
    1. Printing a requisition
  7. Rejecting a requisition
  8. Converting a requisition to an order, done by the Warehouse Manager
  9. View a list of requisitions

Test Roles

A complete list of users can be found in the README file on github.

Role NameLogin InformationRightsHome Facility
Storeroom Manager

user name: srmanager1

password: password

Create and submit R&R
View R&R
Nandumbo Health Center
Store Manager

user name: smanager1

password: password

Authorize R&R

View R&R

Nandumbo Health Center
Program Supervisor

user name: psupervisor

password: password

Approve R&R
View R&R

Warehouse Manager

user name: wclerk1

password: password

Convert requisitions to order

Below is a diagram depicting the different users and requisition groups in the system.

Test Scripts

Please enter your name in the Tester column. Then indicate if the steps passed/failed in the Pass/Fail column. Lastly, enter the number (example OLMIS-1725) of the bug you logged relating to the step.

Scenario 1: Accessing the system and logging in

1.TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged

Enter into a chrome or firefox browser

Welcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentials



Scenario 2: Resetting password 

2.TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged

Enter into a chrome or firefox browserWelcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentials



Scenario 3: Creating and submitting a regular type requisition for the Family Planning program

3.TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged

Enter into a chrome or firefox browserWelcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentials



Scenario 4: Creating and submitting an emergency type requisition for Family Planning

4.TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
Enter into a chrome or firefox browserWelcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentialspassNote: smanager not srmanager

Scenario 5: Authorizing a requisition

There should be a requisition created for 

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
Enter into a chrome or firefox browserWelcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentialsPass

Scenario 6: Approving a requisition

Please let Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) know when you plan to test this so she can ensure there is a requisition ready for approval so that you can approve. 

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged

Enter into a chrome or firefox browserWelcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentialsPass

Scenario 7: Rejecting a requisition*

Please let Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) know when you plan to test this so she can ensure there is a requisition ready for approval so that you can reject.

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
Enter into a chrome or firefox browser. Login as Program Supervisor.Welcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentialsPass

Scenario 8: Converting a requisition to an order

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
Enter into a chrome or firefox browser. Login as a warehouse clerk.Welcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentialsPass

Scenario 9: View a list of requisitions

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
Enter into a chrome or firefox browser. Login as Program Supervisor.

Welcome screen appears and there is a modal asking for login credentials.

Home screen is visible after credentials are accepted.


Known Bugs