3.1.2 is a stable release, and all users of OpenLMIS version 3 are encouraged to adopt it.

Release Notes

The release of 3.1.2 is primarily a bug-fix and performance release, with over 20 bugs fixed since 3.1.0 and major improvements in performance.

This release also includes notable new features:


All changes are backwards-compatible. Any changes to data include automated migrations from previous versions back to 3.0.1. Any exceptions are identified in the Components sections below.

For background information on OpenLMIS version 3's new micro-service architecture, extensions/customizations, and upgrade paths for OpenLMIS versions 1 and 2, see the 3.0.0 Release - 1 March 2017.

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OpenLMIS Reference Distribution 3.1.2


Version 3.1.2 of the Reference Distribution has updated versions of the components listed below. The Reference Distribution bundles these component together using Docker to create a complete OpenLMIS instance.

For background info about how components and the Reference Distribution are versioned, see Versioning and Releasing.

Reference UI 5.0.2

The reference UI bundles the following UI components together.

auth-ui 5.0.2

New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:

Bug fixes:

See auth-ui CHANGELOG.

fulfillment-ui 5.0.2

Bug fixes

See fulfillment-ui CHANGELOG.

referencedata-ui 5.2.0

New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:


See referencedata-ui CHANGELOG.

report-ui 5.0.2

Bug fixes:

See report-ui CHANGELOG.

requisition-ui 5.1.0

New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:


Bug fixes:

See requisition-ui CHANGELOG.

stockmanagement-ui 1.0.0-beta

(no changes from this same beta version released with ref-distro 3.1.0)

ui-components 5.1.0

New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:

Bug fixes:

See ui-components CHANGELOG.


(same version as with ref-distro 3.1.0)

Requisition Service 4.0.0

Contract breaking changes*:

*These are significant changes that alter previous API contracts. The API changes will impact developers who are using these Requisition APIs. For end-users, the changes bring significant performance improvements because the data returned by some endpoints has been reduced for efficiency.

New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:

Bug fixes added in a backwards-compatible manner:

Performance improvements added in a backwards-compatible manner:

See requisition CHANGELOG.

Fulfillment Service 4.0.0

Contract breaking changes*:

*This is a significant change that alters previous API contracts. This API change will impact developers who are using this Fulfillment API. For end-users, the change brings significant performance improvements because the data returned has been reduced for efficiency.

New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:

Performance improvements added in a backwards-compatible manner:

See fulfillment CHANGELOG.

Stock Management 1.0.0-beta

This is the same beta version of the Stock component as was previously released in ref-distro 3.1.0. It is a first release of stock management features in OpenLMIS version 3.

Reference Data Service 7.0.0

Breaking changes*:

*impact APIs and developers, but no impact to users and their data

New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:

Bug fixes, security and performance improvements, also backwards-compatible:

See referencedata CHANGELOG.

Auth Service 3.0.3

Improvements which are backwards-compatible:


Notification Service 3.0.2

New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:

See notification CHANGELOG.

Components with No Changes

Other tooling components have not changed, including: the logging service, the tailored docker-ized distribution of nginx and postgres, and a library for shared Java code called service-util.


Thanks to the Malawi implementation team who has contributed a number of pull requests to add functionality and customization in ways that have global shared benefit.

Also, thanks to everyone who contributed to OpenLMIS 3.0.0.

Further Resources

View all JIRA Tickets in 3.1.2.

Learn more about the OpenLMIS Community and how to get involved!