Zambia specific report which generate issue voucher which is sent to MSL for resupply
Status in eLMIS: Implemented.
Status in OpenLMIS: Not implemented within OpenLMIS, can be created in Tableau
Priority: High priority for Zambia
The report shows:
Note: PDF and Excel export includes addional datapoint Supplimental Funds Used
In this story user means or one of the following, Health Facility incharge, DMO, Community and Regional Management Team (C/RHMT), Logistics officer/Advisors, Senior level decision maker, M&E officer/Advisor etcO
# | Title | User Story | Label | Importance | Notes | JIRA Tickets |
1 | View order requisition | As a user, I need to tell MSL pack size and number of pack I need for resupply | Reports | Must have for ZM | ||
2 | Export PDF | As a user, I need to export report to pdf which I can sign and sent to MSL for resupply | Reports | Must have for ZM | ||
3 | Export reports to Excel | As a user, I need to be able to export all reports and analysis reporting results into Excel so that I can process the data more and analyze it in Excel. | Reports | Must have for ZM | ||
4 | Print reports with headings and logs | As a user, I need to be able to print reports with customized headings and logos so that I can file the report for future references. | Reports | Must have for ZM | ||
Include any business process mapping, mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements. Describes the tasks and the personas who perform those activities. The diagram provides the context for the user stories and serves as a focal point for achieving clarity and agreement among stakeholders. Looks like a standard flow chart.
Identify initial dependencies that are on the critical path for this functionality and may affect the delivery time and serving of business goals. Include links to stories.
Description | Link |
Name of story or release | Link to JIRA |
Initial communication between stakeholders and the development team to help understand scope and estimates.
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
# | Question | Outcome | Status |
1 |