Target release3.0
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In OpenLMIS, regular replenishment process follows a regular cycle as per configured schedules for that program. A facility is expected to initiate only one regular R&R per program per period. However, in certain cases of epidemic outbreak for example, there might be urgent requirement of some products. In order to facilitate this urgent requirement, the concept of emergency R&R is introduced which will allow facility to initiate an emergency R&R at any point of time.


This feature was implemented in version 1 and 2 and replicated for version 3


User Stories

#TitleUser StoryNotesImportanceJIRA Tickets
1Submit Emergency R&R

As a user, I want to submit the emergency requisition, So that I can order products in case of urgency

Relevant labels to distinguish source. From which system, or which country? Must Have
  • Additional considerations or noteworthy references (links, issues)

As a user, I want to authorize the emergency requisition, So that it can be processed further for replenishment

Do validations and error handling on Full supply, non full supply and regimen tab same as regular R&R


Include any business process mapping, mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements. Describes the tasks and the personas who perform those activities. The diagram provides the context for the user stories and serves as a focal point for achieving clarity and agreement among stakeholders. Looks like a standard flow chart.


Identify initial dependencies that are on the critical path for this functionality and may affect the delivery time and serving of business goals. Include links to stories.

Name of story or release Link to JIRA

Open Questions

Initial communication between stakeholders and the development team to help understand scope and estimates.

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached Open, In Progress, Closed, and date of closure

Out of Scope