Goal: To prepare for a 3.2.1 release candidate at the end of October (~Oct 25 2017). See Release Candidate Process.  Team ILL will focus on Performance.  Team Parrot will focus on fixing bugs and the MUST tickets until performance tickets are available. BUGS are in priority order in the backlog. 


Go to backlog, they are in priority order (and there are 17 of them).

These two bugs in the backlog are assigned to Team ILL



Stock Management

Admin Screens/ Configuration Reporting


Reference UI

Low Priority


UI Performance Sprint Spike for Team ILL (75%)


Re-Supply Ticket Writing for Team ILL (25%

For Planning Only


Nick Reid (Deactivated) is this really something we should be taking on prior to a release?

Goal here is to un-fork MW-UI files to make upgrading possible (and establish extension patterns)

 (Team ILL)

Requests from Malawi

Ben Leibert and Christine Lenihan, please make sure the following tickets are in priority order so that we can review for the next backlog grooming call on  . If bugs come in after that, please make sure to flag prior to  so we can review prior to planning.

Goal: Squash bugs for the 3.2.1 release. Judiciously continue with F&E features and performance improvements.

Grooming Question: There have been discussions around modifying the release process this time. I'd like to make sure we are clearly communicating the plan to the team. Brandon Bowersox-Johnson do you have an update from the conversations with Josh Zamor?

UPDATE: No decisions yet about the 'release candidate' process or doing a 'slow down and go careful' release for 3.2.1. So for now we are grooming priorities on this page for a squash-bug-and-release scenario, but that could change before sprint 36 begins.

Issue: Malawi faces time-outs when configurations are incorrect. Is there a way to provide an error versus timing out? See the recent slack ex