The Prerequisites:

The Order

The release must be done in a specific order or some unexpected behavior might (and most likely will) occur. To prevent such situation use the order provided here:

  1. ui-component
  2. auth-ui
  3. ui-layout
  4. referencedata-ui
  5. report-ui
  6. fulfillment-ui
  7. cce-ui
  8. stockmanagement-ui
  9. requisition-ui
  10. reference-ui

The Manual Way

Now, the actual list of steps to roll a full release of the reference-ui

  1. Repeat for every module you want to release in the order given in the previous section:
  2. Commit the changes in modules you want to release and create a tagdon't push the changes yet.
  3. Repeat for every module you want to release in the order given in the previous section:
  4. Wait for the SNAPSHOTS of all the release modules.
  5. Repeat for every module you didn't released in the order given in the previous section (there will be none for a full release):

The Script Way


What the script does:

What it doesn't:


  1. Call the script. To do a full release you simply call
  2. Create tags and prepare a release on the GitHub.