Goal: Continue to work towards feature goals for 3.3 (vaccine stock based requisition, Receiving/POD, Local Fulfillment, RTM), make progress on Administration screens and critical needs for implementers.

Dates:  -  

3 sprints left (1 sprint is for testing) until 3.3 release on  

Vaccine Stock Based Requisitions


Receiving and Proof Of Delivery (MUST)

Sebastian Brudziński and Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) are leading this section. Please review and confirm these are still the next up and if you need any review by Team ILL. 


Emergency Requisitions (MUST)

Sebastian Brudziński to update this section with the smaller tickets.

Ordering Quantities

Ideal Product Model


Stock Reason Tagging (only pick up if there's space)

Supports stock based requisitions in finding quantities such as total consumed, total losses and adj, received, etc.  Supports reporting in finding the reasons which contribute in a flexible/configurable manner.  We still don't know if we can get what this unblocks in scope, so please do not pick-up if not able. Part of epic

Bugs (Sebastian Brudziński:  please look at blockers and criticals and let Team ILL know at Q&A call if they can be done/started)

Need to review the blocker and critical bugs to determine which ones can be done this sprint. Please sort by priority (for some reason the filter in confluence isn't respecting the order parameters).

Quick Wins

Team ILL

UI (Nick)

RTM Integration with CCE and Fulfillment (Chongsun)

Scope for 3.3,  

Reporting (MJ)