Description:  Review current code assets including features and technical debt 

Leads: Rich, Ashraf

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Rapporteur/Notetaker:  Darius

Notes from Session:




Karl: I'd like to see over the next 6 months, that "2.0" becomes the master upstream branch for development. And having the "eLMIS" in bitbucket makes things a lot harder.


Rich: Right now, 2.0 is not really "upstream", and we all want it to be.


Ashram: Once VIMS is released (later this year, or next year) then we can put resources into shifting from bitbucket to github.


Rich: Current state: 2.0 is not releasable (e.g includes incomplete features)


Karl: Have a separate repository with Moz-specific configuration. Going forwards, we should have a default/demo configuration and feature toggles that disable features not yet complete.


New features in 2.0 (Ashram)


* Different configurations for R&R, with different calculations ("R&R Templates")

* Different groupings within an R&R

* Reports

* Checks status of equipment before certain orders (and requires explanations for broken equipment)

* Dashboard on home screen (role-specific)

* uploading of photos from an android application (ODK)

* integration with RapidSMS gateway

* GIS map

* ILS gateway



Some Code Statistics (Josh)


             (Ashram: some database tables are there as proof of concept and are great examples of things to "clean up")

What we need to make a master branch?