Goal: Release 3.3

Dates:  -  

  • Team Parrot will start Sprint 52, but will focus on fixing the performance issue for single approve, and performance testing for convert to order. The main goal is to demonstrate/repair that we have NOT degraded in performance. 
  • No new ticket work will start until we fix performance. (Except for Jakub - more details below.)
  • Sprint Q&A: Team Parrot will discuss the performance testing results and day's status.

Performance Testing & Resolution:

Team Parrot

Stock Reason Tagging

Epic link: 

Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) we would like to make this epic our Sprint Goal if that sounds right to you. This means that tickets from this epic would have the highest priority in the Sprint.

Stock Based Requisition

Epic link: 

Dependency diagram:  https://www.lucidchart.com/publicSegments/view/71af4a62-0bea-4245-9005-3461919c9d35/image.png

Sebastian Brudziński we would like you/Team Parrot to own these epics just like you did with the POD work after you were in Seattle.

Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed): This epic needs to wait for  to be finished before any progress can be done.

Editing Orderables

Josh: would this UI be helpful for the product registry?

Demo Data

Josh please add ticket here, and flag which are for Team ILL/Parrot:



Bugs and Tech Debt

Sebastian Brudziński We would like to start a new process where a percentage of every sprint is set aside for Bugs and Tech Debt. For bugs we propose 20% of the sprint, and you would pull in bugs from the prioritized bug list that Team ILL maintains either on these wiki pages or directly from the Jira backlog (Sam Im (Deactivated) will provide the list). For Tech Debt we propose you/Team Parrot choose what items add the most value (Josh Zamor has ideas about how to get this started).

Team has groomed and estimated Tech Debt for this sprint:

Team Ona

Team ILL

Team ILL still needs to conduct spring planning for 52.

The following were notes and was communicated at the top of the page