The OpenLMIS Initiative Today

The OpenLMIS initiative continues to evolve, both in scope and in geographic implementations. The initiative is currently deployed in six geographies (Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia, and Zanzibar), along with a planned deployment in Malawi. Additionally, other opportunities for future implementations continue to arise. As the scope and breadth of the initiative expands, maintaining strong governance of its community and encouraging participation by in-country implementers and partners stand out as two primary goals of the initiative in 2016. This document outlines the current state of governance of the OpenLMIS initiative and community as well as the vision shared by partners for its growth and expansion into further geographies and programs.

OpenLMIS Participation Vision

The open-source community, one of the initiative’s core principles, has made great strides in its organization and governance over the past several months. While all committees (Product, Technical, and Governance) enjoy strong participation by US-based partners, the initiative is currently lacking in participation by current implementers and host country professionals. Deeper involvement by these individuals and organizations would benefit the initiative through:

Key Principles

  1. Country-level participation from implementing partners, MOH representatives, and regional/educational bodies, are essential to the OpenLMIS Community
  2. Mailing lists and committee calls are open to anyone who wants to attend, including country participants
  3. Additional engagement mechanisms targeted at country-level partners and MoH representatives will be started to fully engage country-level participation 

Types of Country Representation

There are several types of country representation which could benefit the OpenLMIS initiative and community at large. In particular, the community should focus on engaging:

Participation by these individuals and organizations could take different forms. One option is creating a user group within the OpenLMIS community (similar to the existing groups) focused on conveying the user experience. Through this group, implementers, partners, developers, and logisticians could discuss case studies, challenges/solutions, and potential for expansion.

Additionally (or alternatively), users could participate in existing groups, engaging in ongoing discussions with US-based partners.

Planned Activities for 2017

To achieve greater in-country participation, and to stimulate discussion in the existing community, several activities have been planned for 2017.

Next Steps

In order to increase country participation in the OpenLMIS initiative, the community will need US-based partners and committee members to provide suggestions and mechanisms for outreach to their field-based implementers. This includes:

Additional Notes for 2017

Current challenges:

Lack of cohesive training/understanding of OpenLMIS by our own staff

Revisit the idea of a “roadshow” with partners to showcase new version, perform training, increase user engagement, visit universities, set up/develop academies