
The goal for 2.0 was a generic, globally applicable release.  As 2.0 was a fairly fast consolidation of several branches/forks created for specific projects, some features are country specific.  Separating these features into standalone modules was too large of a task, not to mention the lack of a robust modularization framework.  The stop-gap solution for 2.0 is to implement a feature toggle mechanism, where a property set during build time toggles on or off the set of country-specific UI elements. The underlying code and logic remain, ready for use when toggled on.  As explained below, a toggling is accomplished by hiding certain portions of the user interface, such as menu items.

This toggle setting is set for all project-specific code, not for each country-specific project. So there is no toggleOnVIMS, toggleOnJSI, toggleOnMoz, etc.

The build property setting is in the file, called toggleOnCustom.  The actual toggling functionality uses the existing permissions framework to toggle features on or off.  Most of the UI is hidden or shown based on the rights of the logged in user.  Thus, the "toggling" is accomplished simply by denying permissions to the country-specific features. This is enforced by REMOVING the definitions of country-specific permissions (the rights table) at build time. The gradle build simply calls (or does not call) certain SQL scripts to remove (or re-add) those permission definitions to the system. The country-specific permission definitions are always removed during the build–if custom code is toggled on, then they are re-added.

With the removal of permission definitions, certain parts of the system are now hidden or changed.  

Again, this is a stop-gap, cosmetic solution.  A project requiring any number of the toggled off features simply needs to load the appropriate permission(s).



Very little has been changed on the API and backend, as it would take some research to determine what code is country-specific, and APIs that are not published are not supported. Generally the 2.0 stabilization effort is focused on the UI client.


This work has not been done yet, as these features were added by a third party, but permissions were not fully implemented. This work will need to be done for the 2.0 release.

Adding Features to Toggle

See the docs/Feature file in the code to understand feature toggling in more detail and how to extend it.