Background information

LoMIS is supported by eHealthAfrica. A presentation on LoMIS is here. LoMIS Deliver is a technology-based logistics management information system that enables detailed planning / scheduling, management and near-real-time monitoring of goods from source to sink.

The solution is comprised of:

Information on OpenLMIS

Is the system open sourced?Not yet, in the process.
Does the system have a strong pool of developers supporting it?
Describe what the open source community is like?
Has the system filled out the OpenSource Maturity Model Matrix? If so, can we see a copy?
What is the technical stack used by the system of interest?
Are there any upcoming shifts in the use of the technical stack?
Are there any key considerations or differences of note between OpenLMIS tech stack and the system of interest?
Does the OpenLMIS community currently have resources which know or could support the system of interests tech stack? Please explain.
At what scale is the system/application used? Number of users, sites, transactions, etc.
What type of documentation exists?User Guide:
How does the system handle authentication?
What standards are supported?