
The purpose of this document is to outline the OpenLMIS test strategy. Look at the Testing Guide for more information.


SolDevelo QA Team:

QA Testing Workflow within a Sprint

QA Contract Test Workflow (needs to be reviewed by team)

Tickets for automatization by contract tests are in Contract test Epic (OLMIS-1012). Contract Tests Tickets should be connected with test cases from Test Cases part. Tickets for automatization should be prioritized by Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated). Main QA Automatic Workflow consist of following points:

  1. Tickets designed to automate by the contract tests are found on the Contract Test Epic (OLMIS-1012). 
  2. QA write feature part of contract test. QA should add a feature in a ticket description. QA also should push feature file to Github. Name of pull request should consist of the name of the ticket+Feature and should be linked in the comment.
  3. When feature part is finished QA should assigned ticket to 
    1. should implement java part for contract test.
  4. QA verify if the test passes in Jenkins.
  5. The ticket should be closed (Done status) if pass all tests in Jenkins.

Contract test tickets are added to Sprints. Epic are grouped by Requisition, Distribution, etc. and by the user (ie. Admin).

Contract test Ticket Workflow

During implementing contract tests are available four statuses:

Contract test status

We can see a comprehensive report of our contract test on our Jenkins, HERE.

There are two elements on the page, chart, and table.

According to the chart, we can know all the status of the test.

According to the table, we can know all the details of the test.

Regression Test cases for review and potential duplicate steps that are already in another test case:

Product Testing

Sam Im (Deactivated) is responsible for scheduling testing and assigning the test cases and testers to the Test Sessions so the execution can be tracked and bugs are logged as part of this session. 


Items the above document should cover: