




Receiving Shipping

To us, "Receiving" doesn't make sense as its own context. Either it is the tail end of the "Fulfilling" context, or else it should be thought of as a broader "Shipping" context.


Inventory Management


Different types of facilities?

(Darius's opinion) In the long run, OpenLMIS will need to tie together different facilities some using third-party inventory management systems, and having different levels of required accuracy and precision; our challenge is not to write code to cover every possible case, but to allow the variations to communicate the necessary information within the OpenLMIS workflows.

The real purpose of OpenLMIS is the workflow and process of the demand and supply cycle; inventory management is supportive of this, but is not the end goal of OpenLMIS.

Interfaces Between Bounded Contexts

Requisition Service



Inventory Management Service

Program Data Service

Product Service

Notification Service