Target release3.5
Document status
Document owner
Technical leadClay Crosby (Unlicensed)


Background and strategic fit

Here are the key characteristics of a dashboard:

Contents (as of 3.5 release)

Below is a list of the different dashboards we built as a part of the 3.5 release of OpenLMIS. Each should be created as its own page within the OpenLMIS UI under the Reporting menu (this needs to be finished in the 3.6 release – currently in the 3.5 version we have all dashboards available under a View Reports button).

The layout of particular dashboards can be easily modified for your implementation, as can the styles of charts. Some key chart modifications are called out below, but speak with your OpenLMIS representative to talk in more detail about any questions or requests you might have.

All of these dashboards contain filter boxes that allow users to select from a dropdown list or completion match on various fields, like region, district, facility, processing period, processing schedule, and more. The filters will restrict the data returned by a chart, and without applying filters, all data is returned. Some charts are most meaningful when filtered, and those notes have been called out in the descriptions below. These filter boxes are configurable and can be updated based on your implementation's needs.

Please go here for the SQL logic used to generate the indicators and queries. Below is a series of non-technical descriptions of the dashboards' contents.

Reporting Rate and Timeliness

Stock Status





DHIS2 LMIS module UI

After selecting a facility, you see this screen/dashboard driving the user to upcoming forms.

VIMS Dashboard

It has an Action Bar with timely actions you can take in the system, plus expandable sections to get bar charts with key metrics (e.g. Coverage by month, by district, by facility; Stock Status; and more):

VIMS Dashboard Design

Design documents, including the example below, are available in the VIMS Confluence Wiki:


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached

Not Doing