Training Estimates

Training Estimates

OpenLMIS user training can be in several approaches basing on ones’ needs and resource availability. For easy management and estimation, the roles can be defined in 3 three categorizes.

Pharmacy personnel – These include all those people doing data entry on reporting and ordering of commodities

  • This training may be the longest as it requires them to learn to capture data, verify and send to superiors for ordering

  • For a team of 20 people this may require 2 days training.

  • People from different hospitals/districts can attend one training

  • You will need at least 2 Facilitators to support this training

District Managers

  • This training will require half day at minimum

  • A team of 20 people can be trained at once

  • The managers will be trained on how to review orders, approve orders and view reports

  • 2 Facilitators are needed to support this training

National/Province/Regional Managers

  • This will require a half day training

  • 20 people may be trained at once

  • Managers will be trained on how view reports

  • 2 facilitators will be needed to support this training.