1131: Problems with blue

Test Case #:1131

Test Case Name: Problems with blue

System: openLMIS

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Anna Czyrko

Design Date:2.12.2016

Short description

This ticket consist of three separate tickets: OLMIS-1263: Nginx-proxy duplicates upstreams, OLMIS-1264: Notification service in blue breaks if external db url provided, OLMIS-1265: Services fail to boot when restarting Blue


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



In Terminal enter:

cd openlmis-blue

service docker start

docker-compose pull

docker-compose up




restart docker

Service will not fail after restarting docker.


stop docker. In Terminal enter:

service docker stop


 Change in .env file DATABASE_URL for DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://IP_ADDRESS:5432/open_lmis 

Should fail

5 Change in .env file DATABASE_URL for DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/open_lmis everythink should work properly,

Should pass

6Stop docker and switch service for requisition. Start dev container.

7Run gradle bootRun

8Launch blue

9Restart blue

Post – conditions:

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