December 15, 2016

December 15, 2016

7AM PST - Seattle

10AM EST - New York, DC

5PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen

6PM EAT - Dar

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 

Call Details:
Meeting Number: 194 399 578
US Audio: WebEx Online or +1-415-655-0001
International Audio: WebEx Online


  • Chris Wright (phone)
  • Kaleb Brownlow (phone)
  • Karl Brown (phone)
  • Jake Watson
  • Tenly Snow
  • Brandon Bowersox-Johnson 
  • Danni Yu
  • Chris George
  • Mary Jo Kochendorfer
  • Chris Opit
  • Wendy Nicodemus
  • Alpha Nsaghurwe
  • Ashraf Islam
  • Brian Taliesin
  • Lindabeth Doby
  • Clerisse Lemke
  • Kyle Duarte 


No recording for this meeting 

Gap analysis update20All

Jake met with Edward Wilson from JSI about gap analysis and talked about Facility Edition for Zambia. Agreed that it would be out of scope for addl discovery and addition. If Zambia were heading for an upgrade, would try to include Facility Edition in an upgrade path.

Ashraf: Need to be sure that the interface can be there. The application itself would stay as it is for now, but ensure that interface points are there. 

Wendy: Have software programmers in Zambia. Need to agree within this forum about next steps. FE being scaled up rapidly. Has potential for other countries to learn from. How can we talk about it in the OpenLMIS forum? Code base for that would be made fully available as an open source product. 

Jake: In Dar, we were agreed that we would stop after step 2 - reporting back to the governance committee before making any further decisions. JSI to review document and see if there's anything that was missed, by the end of the year if possible.

Wendy: Requirements: FE has an offline component by design. Many facilities don't have online functionality. As more facilities get online, MOH wants real-time data. Daily updates from FE to show stock status. Want to make sure that the new functionalities being requested are included. Moving target, dynamic software and already implemented. Where is the cutoff? The requests and updates from the field? 

Jake: Need a mashup of the various country roadmaps. Working with some roadmap software, try to get something by the end of March. 

Lindabeth: What are next steps? TZ, Zambia, Malawi, Guinea, Benin, Mozambique, CI? - identified countries so far.

MJ: Will talk about this during next product committee meeting

Alpha: Need to see gap analysis and review features that are needed by all countries - could be the best way to start a discussion on the roadmap.

Kaleb - Minimum requirements that any organization or agency needs to follow. If you want to implement OpenLMIS, you're expected to use one or more systems (JIRA), so governance and product can have that visibility. As we add countries, how do we formalize that? Next step: Once inputs start flowing into Product from mashup of roadmaps, how are we advised in Governance? How do we make decisions as a committee on what will be a global feature vs. country extensions?

Chris - iHRIS and DHIS reach out to see how they are tackling these issues. Would be good not to have to reinvent these wheels.

Jake - DHIS2 just switched to JIRA. Need more formality around reporting. Product would put together a periodic report on features that need to be evaluated. Rules on Governance? Who votes, how can they vote, etc. Benin, Mozambique in JIRA

Jan/Feb - reprioritization of roadmap

MJ: Starting on vaccines by looking into it. Development is not starting this month or next month. When roadmap reprioritization happens, then we can discuss actual development

Vaccines Module

Jake: We prioritized features within functional silos, but have not prioritized against each other. Clear after talking with JSI and Gates, the vaccine module is needed as quickly as possible. What is the boundary of that service? Kaleb and David have given us insight into key players who should be consulted. Edward has the sub agreement template. Get the contract built quickly. Initial thoughts were to reach out in a bilateral fashion, what are the boundaries, key requirements, features, pull everyone together on what this means and what the bounded context is. Ideally we would have that meeting somewhere there are other meetings.

Lindabeth: Timing-wise, what is the impact?

Jake: Malawi - Requirements are not super stringent, mostly requisitions, coming in February. Mission was expecting some of the functionality that is in TZ/Zambia that is coming in February - reporting specifically. LB was on the phone with the Mission. Kyle, most of the critical functionality has been addressed.

Chris: When we first did the Malawi requirements, we were being pushed to consider a facility edition on tablets. Might come back around from earlier conversations. FE and how that's handled.

LB: Can use existing FE as long as we have the right connection to bring it over to 3.x.

Chris: Need to identify what the supply chain actually looks like in these countries and make sure that whatever tool we offer isn't redundant.

TW starting work on Monday on stock management service - basic SM transactions. Know that will be required for vaccines. May have something to do with cold chain as well.

Potential to pull in existing VIMS code. Pull in code, wrap into new service, modify and iterate on its own. Could Logistimo share code? Several ways to rapidly get vaccine functionality up and running.

MOH wants to see improved commodity security, able to track commodities end to end.

  • Chris Wright - Suggestions for who could participate from WHO, UNICEF, CHAI, JSI
  • Jake Watson (Deactivated) to share the names that Kaleb and David suggested
  • Website: Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to reach out to partners for logos and organization write ups

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software