January 17 2017

January 17 2017

Call Information

  • 6:00AM PST - Seattle
  • 9:00AM EST - New York, DC
  • 5:00PM EAT - Tanzania
  • 10:00PM GMT +8 - China

Webex Linkhttps://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M299H1X42RL8F1ABXL3LOKN9TN-3O29&rnd=371900.06805

Meeting Number192 173 465

Host Key352864

Audio Connection +1-415-655-0001 



Software Development Update

  • Current : Sprint 17
  • Upcoming : Sprint 18
  • 3.0 Status
  • Request for support with UAT and creating bugs/tickets. Delay till after Sprint 18.
  • Hiring a contract position for an Analyst to support the 3.x release schedule, Job Description. Please circulate in your networks.
10 min

Estimated 3.0 Scope

20 minMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Update on requests from the Governance Committee

  • Functional spec toolkit Key User Scenario Template.docx
  • Publish current implementation's roadmaps publicly
  • Merging roadmaps to see across all implementations and 3.x
10 min

Open Questions in Stock Management

Website and Logo Refresh

Website Comp Preview: http://themediumnet.prevue.it/view/4h0jyp

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)




Recap from last product committee call

  • Mary Jo: Was Ashraf able to share report specifications?
  • A: haven’t been able to find the right one yet - actionable item on Ashraf’s side - will provide in next two or three days (this week)
  • Mary Jo: If anyone can give any more specifications, please do

Software Development Update

  • Current sprint (17) ends tomorrow
  • Next spring (18) grooming finishing up soon
  • 3.0 status with a burn up chart - not updated yet - Mary Jo to remind Brandon to update the burn up chart
  • Mary Jo will talk about changes in scope for 3.0
  • The initial 3.0 scope was driven by what we thought would be needed, not necessarily proven needs - now that we know what Malawi needs, we decided to readjust the scope - nothing really a specific thing other than breaking things up smaller and smaller and things taking a bit longer - decision making getting delayed due to multiple people weighing in, decisions not there right away - same with GS1, moving forward with our model as best we can but still outstanding questions
  • Going to hire analyst - help with documentation - please take a look at position and circulate with your networks

Estimated 3.0 Scope

  • dropping the following from 3.0 scope (stretch goals) - local fulfillment, budgeting feature, program data - some of these not as necessary for Malawi - same with uploading tool, no upload tool for setup, however when Malawi does its implementation they will build that and contribute it back - you can see total cut scope on the ‘boardthing.com’ site
  • Ashraf: we are also waiting for 3.0 for Guinea implementation as well - expectation is that equivalent functionality will be there - it looks like more attention being paid to Malawi - what influence can we exert for the Guinea requirements
  • MJ: We thought Guinea would need vaccines, and would only be looking at 3.0 to see what it has, but haven’t seen a full list of requirements needed for Guinea - for those that are out of scope, most of those weren’t communicated as getting into 3.0 for sure, more for 3.1 - not sure if expectation was around budgeting feature - but Guinea can influence these discussions / decisions, but need more clairity around their requirements to have that be a part of the process
  • Ashraf: Guinea was more familiar with Cote d’Ivoire implementation - eLMIS 2.0 plus french translation + self rate functionaltiy - but can wait until 3.0 of OpenLMIS so don’t have to worry about migration from 2.0 to 3.0 - on vaccine feature, 3.x will have its own vaccine module, and they can do some sort of phasing, can start with other products and then can move easy to vaccines when that functionality becomes available
  • MJ: 3.x roadmap will roll out to get to feature parity eventually, but there will be changes on what has or hasn’t worked in the past (e.g. requisition formula changes which can meet wider need of period length) - 3.0 will not have everything that eLMIS had, not perfect parity, wasn’t possible based on the timeframe we have - we can reprioritize based on Guinea’s needs but would need to to get more clairty on that
  • Ashraf: Can take this up on a different discussion

(Went through slide deck that had 3.0 scope features)

  • Lots of changes in the re-architecture as this group knows about
  • Still considerable geographical approval process
  • New improvements on the product model
  • Making adjustments based on new logical reference model from conversations with BI&A
  • Majority of the setup of the product will be same as 2.0, just not CSV portion, but will be contributed back - felt lower priority than actual functionality that end users will be working with
  • Requisitions functionaltiy discussed (see slide) - offline capability is a part of scope to a certain extent, connectivity is still needed on syncing - comments done in a new way (state change based) - email notifications for state changes - no SMS support in 3.0, only emails
  • There is functionality that still needs to be scheduled relevant to eLMIS functionality - this is where would be good to know for places like Guinea, we could move forward with a quick, dirty hard code way, but for now we’d like to do it right in a configurable way if it all possible - just hadn’t heard an immediate need on some of these yet - on price schedules, is this something needed right away, or can wait to later timeline
  • Ashraf: we were supposed to have a requirements workshop with Guinea, but hasn’t happened yet - really don’t know until workshop happens if they need certain requirements like prices schedules
  • Requitision template - calling out change to the columns to meet some of the variances we saw in eLMIS - example extension - how important is this to get in 3.0, b/c want to focus on getting things done in requisition template first - is it okay to have extension in documentation but isn’t a a part of the core product? question for PC - Brian, lakshmi, Chris thinks it can be pushed off of 3.0 from being a core part due to reasons such as timeframe, and just have it be a part of the model - note that MJ says that Josh would like to see it so MJ will follow up on that with him and keep the PC updated
  • Orders and External Fulfillment
  • Stock Management - have started work with ThoughtWorks, but still a bit fuzzy on what will be completed by 3.0 - are completing work - selecting which fields you want when completing your stock card - thinks there will be stock movements done, but this is just with APIs - don’t expect usage on stock management until 3.1 - encourage the PC to follow along in the ‘Stock Cards’ wiki page if interested in the progress on that piece
  • Reporting - shipping with reporting rate, using tableau doing the rest of the reporting - always said robust reporting done later on, never meant to be robust by 3.0 - given that we are not doing an extensive reporting solution in 3.0, we’ll want to wait on buidling out too much
  • Ashraf: understanding was that we’d have more essential reports - like around stock, not just reporting rate
  • MJ: reporting rate is the only one that we’ve called essential, rest would be done with tableau
  • Alfred: 3.0 countries will need those essential reports, more than just reporting rate - stock and balance, timeliness, fill rate, item fill rate but also owner fill rate - so a few key reports that need to be used, so others that cannot use tableau will have some essential ones already
  • MJ: Should do an email so we know which ones have to be in there, and make sure we have the data to do that (e.g. data needed from the hook up with order fulfillment) - will follow up offline with Alfred / Ashraf / PC

Update on requests from the Governance Committee

(audio breaking for me at beginning here)

  • MJ: went over current key user scenario template
  • Brian: Intent is not to recreate personas, but ensuring what is there is accurate and just refreshing where needed - the links in there on user stories is to get everything in the backlog, so when get to PC we can just continue to refine and finesse it
  • MJ: there is a template service in OpenLMIS - if you are implementor, there is a template service demonstrating technically how to put a new template together - looking for similar thing when it comes to a functional spec from the community

(audio breaking up again for me)

  • MJ: when we get to reporting, we’ll capture the stories in this way using this functional documentation and this will be consistent across all features moving forward
  • Have spoken with current implementations’ roadmaps - still collecting this information
  • Need to figure out what to do if roadmaps are in static documenation
  • Ashraf: our default approach is that since we have it on JIRA, finding a way that we can isolate things that we are doing that are not general JSI work, just get LMIS implementation - if encounter any issues along the way, we can publish as static document but first want to do JIRA
  • MJ: when will you get a chance to work on this from your side?
  • Ashraf: By next meeting I should be able to give an update on where we are with that
  • MJ: eventually will cross the bridge of merging roadmaps later

Open Questions on Stock Management

  • (Ran out of time, will send a separate email on these questions to group to move forward)

Website and Logo Refresh

  • If you have time to look over website content, please reach out to Mary Jo



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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software