2020-08-14 Meeting notes

2020-08-14 Meeting notes


Aug 14, 2020



  • @Josh Zamor

  • @Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

  • @Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)

  • Casey

  • Caleb


  • Proof of Concept

    • What

    • Who

    • Deadline

    • Don’t forget we want slides, story, etc

Discussion topics














Review proof of concept discussion from https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/OYDcPg

  1. Cover ideas of what the proof of concept could be.

  • Could be hacked together and the output is a video recording (i.e. doesn’t have to be 2 demo systems running).

    • Could even be some video magic to make it look like it all worked together.

    • Dream big

  • demo-v3 is always up and running

Overall this needs to serve the purpose of presenting the bugger picture - sales pitch


Who is available over next 2-3 weeks?

  1. How much effort would be available?


(Carli and Casey out next week).

SDE (Greg) will have time over next few weeks.


What could we actually build (rough level of effort) for the ideas?



  • Write the code

    • Precondition: login with the right user in both OpenELIS and OpenLMIS so that clicking later works

    • OpenELIS

      • fork/feature flag of code for Proof of Concept

      • put a dummy menu item in for supply

        • opens new tab with OpenLMIS Physical Inventory in it

        • opens new page with iframe with OpenLMIS Physical Inventory in it

          • adjust the security policy, would need Caleb to help

        • goal: about 1 person day

        • create location and user “demo” data

    • OpenLMIS

      • new demo data that would be realistic for a lab program

        • what products

          • need to create: lab reagents, gloves, pipettes, barcode paper+toner, HIV&Malaria RDT (maybe in Carli’s user stories?)

            • could ask Olivier

        • what locations

          • take from OpenELIS

          • country?

            • we have Malawi and DRC?

        • what user?

          • take from OpenELIS

        • rest of resupply request:

          • Program - lab

          • stock-based requistion

          • supply lines

          • req groups

          • FTAP (orderables and programs up above)

          • RBAC (could we re-use?)

        • LOE: 1-2 person days

  • Video magic

    • write the code, run it local, narration frames the vision and we put more effort into the narration

    • zoom call with screenshare of sites and slides (plus person’s face)

    • LOE: 1-2 person days (could be split between participants)

      • OpenELIS folks show lab story

      • OpenLMIS folks show re-supply story

      • same narrator?

  • deploy the systems:

    • launch OpenELIS fork in new URL

      • LOE: 1ish person day (could use test-api instance)

    • feature flag for OpenLMIS to run only at test.openlmis.org?

      • LOE: 1 person day (check with @Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) & @Klaudia Pałkowska (Deactivated) for using feature flag to deploy only to test)


Agreement on what we'll build and who can do what by when?







Action items

@Josh Zamor to let @Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) know that the monday call won’t have Casey and Carli
VR could followup on data
@Josh Zamor to clean up comments addressed to him
@Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to fill in section on MVP, L1, L2… of integration profiles and capabilities given different deployment topologies (divide whole doc that way?)
@Josh Zamor to propose a new outline (re-order sections so that the story bubbles to the top)
@Josh Zamor to reach out to OpenELIS on: user, facility, login credentials
@Josh Zamor to look up some lab products and ask Carli + Olivier
@Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) add lab program, sb-requistion template, etc.
@Josh Zamor : Story board bullet points for how we’re going to show this
Log-in, describe user(s), story
Push the buttons, see this, do that, life is easy, ta-da.
User’s and their stories will come later but I’ll give some dummy-names
@Josh Zamor to send-out one-line intro/status email to devs to keep us on-track / aware
Budget code: 616 (for VR)


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