Stock Card: Use Cases
Stock Card: Use Cases
- Red: user cannot input
- Yellow (yellow): Mandatory field
- Green: at least one field should not be null, also support all fields are not null. For example, the adjust reason can be null if the received from/issue to column has value.
Date | Document number | Received quantity | Received from | Issue quantity | Issue to | Adjustment quantity | Adjustment reason | Stock on Hand | Signature | |
Receive | User Input | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty | User input, postitive whole number Mandatory | User choose from list or input for ad hoc Mandatory | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | User choose from list, must choose + reason, or input + Ok to be empty | Auto pupolated Mandatory | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty |
Issue | User Input | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | User input, postitive whole number Mandatory | User choose from list or input for ad hoc Mandatory | Can not fill in | User choose from list, must choose from - reason, or input - Ok to be empty | Auto pupolated Mandatory | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty |
Positive Adjustment | User Input | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty | Can not fill in | Empty when it is internal adjustment e.g. products return. Otherwise it must be chosen by user | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | User input, postitive whole number Must exist | User choose from list, must choose positive adjustment reason, or free input OK to be empty but it must be chosen if it is internal adjustment e.g. product return | Auto pupolated Mandatory | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty |
Negative Adjustment | User Input | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | Ok to be empty, if empty, then reason must exist | User input, postitive whole number Must exist | User choose from list, must choose negative reason, or freetext input OK to be empty, if empty, then to must exist | Auto pupolated Mandatory | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty |
Phisical Stock Count | Auto populated by system | Does not apply | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | Can not fill in | Auto populated | Auto populated | Auto pupolated Mandatory | User input, no format requirement, no validation ok to be empty |
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