January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017

7AM PST - Seattle

10AM EST - New York, DC

5PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen

6PM EAT - Dar

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 

Call Details:
WebEx Link: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=MD8GRRT530EZ1G2PBBEH31BOI1-3O29&rnd=9626.4823780
Meeting Number: 194 399 578
US Audio: WebEx Online or +1-415-655-0001

International Audio: WebEx Online


The main focus of this meeting should be on discussing the Governance committee charter and voting structure.

Let's try to quickly run through the first housekeeping items and reserve the majority of the discussion for the Governance structure and voting discussion. 





Product committee update (recent activity)

Roadmap Mashup Update:

Currently we are in step 1 of the approach.

  • Step 1: Make roadmaps public
    • Spoke with Mozambique and Benin teams. Identify current processes and scope of features.
    • Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed) is working on Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, and Zambia.
    • Determine how to expose the roadmaps publically.
  • Step 2: determine a way to view across roadmaps
    • Identify medium and process for keeping roadmaps updated
    • Implement selected solution/process

Functional requirements & feature capture "kit" Update

  • Brian Taliesin created the initial draft based on current approaches used by OpenLMIS
  • Next step: Review and finalize

Will take some time to get the roadmaps public

Initial draft from Brian shared with the Product committee today

Gap analysis update

Zambia gap analysis review

10 total for remaining housekeeping items

Jake Watson (Deactivated)

Chris Wright

Wendy Nicodemus, Chris Opit (if present)

Chris Wright

Gap analysis - fundamentally there were some generalities going on that the team heard when they were in country. Specific feedback that couldn't be generalized. The feeling from both Zambia and TZ was that the gap analysis as written wasn't reflective of the true picture of what is really going on in each country. Still some issues. Will require more work and analysis to see how far down into the details we want to go. Info from key informants on reporting, assumptions on how supply chain works in Zanzibar, some details still need to be fleshed out and worked on. All these comments listed in the doc. Knew it would be an iterative process.

Jake Watson (Deactivated) We are reviewing and will come back shortly with responses.

BAA contract status

Conversations with Jake on Friday. We don't need a contract initially. Thanks to Chris, Wendy, Alpha, team on the TZ side. PATH will be following up with them shortly to get work items on the functionality and the functional requirement kit. We will look to utilize Wendy and Chris as subject matter experts. We'll go through and put that documentation on the Product Committee.

Next steps: Following up with JSI. Chris Wright as primary POC.

Action items from USAID GS1 and BI&A - December 15, 2016

  • Eric Mele (Unlicensed) to share Excel of new Product Master - which is still in draft mode but which has been recently baselined
  • Alpha to share access to MFL
  • Jake Watson (Deactivated) share link to OCHA (question) site and GitHub for commodity tracking software
  • VR to send around doodle for scheduling the technical discussion around terminology and the delta on the LRM 2.0 
  • Lindabeth Doby to share KPI link(s), documents for VR to ensure OpenLMIS data support as well as to review possible conflicts in calculating KPIs between USAID and OpenLMIS standard reporting (reporting rates, stockout rates, et. al.)
  • Eric Mele (Unlicensed) and Mike Cooper to evaluate incorporating spatial data types into BI&A
  • Eric Mele (Unlicensed) to publish latest version of BI&A LRM v2.1
  • Eric Mele (Unlicensed) to share list of "Trade Item Attributes" - which is still in draft mode but which has been recently baselined

GS1 sync update

Update from Josh Zamor: We’re taking to heart the idea of removing the term “product," and replacing it with three terms: Product becomes an "orderable." Global product becomes "commodity type," and trade item stays trade item. Before, we knew that a global product was hierarchical; what we now understand is that this is best described as a classification system, and we also understand that it wouldn’t be unusual for an implementation to use multiple classification systems. The Logical Reference Model (LRM) will use UNSPSC for pharma, and GPC for family planning. We would use a mix of these two classification systems. Trade items can then cross reference classification systems. 

For some of the things in orderables, we’re going to sync with the Global Data Dictionary (GDD) and make sure that if there's something we’re trying to define (product strength for example), we’ll review the GDD to make sure we’re not duplicating.

Chris to follow up on MOH Master Facility List (MFL)

Jake Watson (Deactivated) We're really just looking for the structure of the facility list - we don't necessarily need all the data

Brian Taliesin OpenHIE. Have data from INSTEDD. They have the data structure and model. Using care services discovery.

Brian can also follow up and support.

Open source license
Jake Watson (Deactivated)Had talked about relaxing the license at some point for 3.0. Since the business development workstream for OpenLMIS is going to start in February, we should just leave it for now. Suggestion is that we don't change it for now, leave it as an open question for the advisory board. Comments or objections? None.
Vaccine module update
Jake Watson (Deactivated)

Hoping to get the sub-agreement in place with JSI.

Chris Wright - was drafting a SOW, needs Ashraf's help on that. Want to wrap that up. Vidya and Rachel will be reaching out to Chris to talk about process and general timeline. Meeting with Kaleb last week, saw an email from him as well.

Lakshmi is changing her role, may not be supporting supply chain any more. Guarav will start attending while they look for a suitable replacement to attend. Lakshmi has done a lot of work to help flesh out the stock management stories.

Governance charter & voting structure

See Governance Committee Charter (Archive)


Who's going to represent the organizations? Voting structure?

Kaleb Brownlow (Deactivated) Good to have something on paper. Moving more toward a standardized process. Equal votes sounds good. See that there's a UN security council idea - any 'no' vote can stop an issue.

Discussion on major changes and cost implications - Product, Technical, would present recommendations to Governance - major change. Some will have a major cost element. Slightly different process? Money is coming principally from USAID & Gates who could theoretically be vetoed under the current voting structure.

Budget scoring? LOE? Good for donors to be able to see that in order to prioritize and evaluate different recommendations.

Overall - like where we're going. Build in some kind of self-evaluation in six months time, late this year. Including membership.

Question: How would the Governance committee relate to the Business Development sustainability work? Separate group, but is the Governance committee another point to advise, consult, inform? Or review proposals that come out of different options? How to link the Governance committee & the other workstreams.

Lindabeth Doby Lots of thoughts, will let us know.

Jake Watson (Deactivated) In terms of Governance or biz dev workstream, there needs to be reporting back to the Governance committee, if there's a market then OpenLMIS would form its own entity and replacing the Governance committee would be a board of directors - Gates and USAID representation. Charter is a good exercise because any kind of entity would have a much more formal charter. Represents the BOD more or less.

Mattias Wiklund (Unlicensed) A few times in the last months, haven't been able to be involved. The concept of the biz dev workstream is new to me, not sure how that would work into the structure of the community, or talk with folks who have been more involved. Representation, echo the sentiment to have something on paper to react to. We have a number of people involved from JSI - want to make sure that we're representing everyone's opinion. Discuss internally.

Chris Wright In general looks great. Kaleb brought attention to the voting structure - UN security council rules may be onerous. Don't necessarily have a better way. One person can object and can block and change everything.

Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed) Did this draw on experiences from other groups?

Kaleb Brownlow (Deactivated) Approval responsibilities. First three make sense. But for the fourth, how would the proposal approval actually work? Guinea for example. Make a pitch? USAID talks about the pitch? Need to flesh this out


  • Tenly Snow (Deactivated) circulate Governance Charter draft via shared Dropbox folder
  • Governance committee members provide written feedback on draft by February 14
  • Chris Wright to follow up with Alpha on MFL (MOH) 


Tenly Snow - VR
Jake Watson - VR
Mary Jo Kochendorfer - VR
Brian Taliesin - PATH
Mattias Wiklund - JSI
Marasi Mwencha - JSI
Wendy Nicodemus - JSI ZM
Chris Opit - JSI ZM
Kaleb Brownlow - BMGF
Lakshmi Balachandran - CHAI
Guarav Bhattacharya - CHAI  



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